Hi folks,

I found some warnings and errors when trying to import neo4j maven project
to my eclipse, here's my steps:

1. Clone git://github.com/neo4j/community.git to
local E:\git\neo4j.community
2. Go to eclipse and using Import -> Exist Maven Projects and point
to E:\git\neo4j.community\pom.xml
3. Let it import.
4. After done, I got two projects with "Error(s) found in manifest
configuration" errors: neo4j-server and neo4j-sunshine, below is same part
of  the eclipse console log

11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] Some problems were encountered while building
the effective model for org.neo4j:neo4j-sunshine:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] 'parent.relativePath' points at
org.neo4j.build:community-build instead of org.neo4j:parent-central, please
verify your project structure @ line 3, column 11
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] It is highly recommended to fix these problems
because they threaten the stability of your build.
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] For this reason, future Maven versions might no
longer support building such malformed projects.
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Checking licenses...
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Copying 0 resource to META-INF
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Checking for multiple versions of scala
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] includes = [**/*.scala,**/*.java,]
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] excludes = []
11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] Checking for multiple versions of scala
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] includes = [**/*.scala,**/*.java,]
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] excludes = []
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error in manifest for
org.neo4j:neo4j-sunshine:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT : The default package '.' is not
permitted by the Import-Package syntax.
 This can be caused by compile errors in Eclipse because Eclipse creates
valid class files regardless of compile errors.
The following package(s) import from the default package
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error(s) found in manifest configuration
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: Build errors for neo4j-sunshine;
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute
goal org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:2.1.0:manifest (bundle-manifest)
on project neo4j-sunshine: Error(s) found in manifest configuration
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error in manifest for
org.neo4j:neo4j-sunshine:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT : The default package '.' is not
permitted by the Import-Package syntax.
 This can be caused by compile errors in Eclipse because Eclipse creates
valid class files regardless of compile errors.
The following package(s) import from the default package
11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error(s) found in manifest configuration

Any idea about this?

BTW, I'm using eclipse 3.6.2 with maven 3.0.3.
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