Re: [Neo4j] Slow Traversals on Nodes with too many

I have to respectfully agree with Rick Bullotta.

I was suspecting the big-O is not linear for this case.

To verify I added x4 Container nodes (400.000) and their appropriate
Relationships, and it is now *unbelievably* slow :
 It does not take x4 more, but it takes more than 30-40 seconds for each
next() Remind you 100K nodes = ~2secs for each next() !!!

And only to make matters worse, the subsequent runs weren't fast either -
they actually took more time than the first
(1st TotalTraversalTime= 389936ms, 2nd TotalTraversalTime= 443948ms)

The whole setup is running on
Eclipse 3.6, with -Xmx512m on JavaVM,
Windows2003 VMWare machine with 4GB, running on a fast 2nd gen SSD (OCZ
Vertex 2). The neo4J data resides on this SSD.
The 100.000 nodes data files were ~250MB, the 400.000 one is ~1GB.

I wonder what would happen if the Container nodes were a few million (which
will be my case) - it will run forever.

Could you please looking into my suggestion - i.e "Using a 'smart' behind
the scenes Indexing on both *RelationshipType* and *Direction* that
Traversals actually use to boost things up" ?

To another topic, how does one use this mailing list - I use it through
gmail and I am utterly lost - is there a better client/UI to actually
post/reply into threads ?
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