On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:31 AM, Patrik Sundberg

> On 14 Jun 2011, at 22:51, Michael Hunger
> <michael.hun...@neotechnology.com> wrote:
> > Patrick,
> >
> > David Montag created a versioned graph approach on github:
> https://github.com/dmontag/neo4j-versioning
> >
> > Perhaps you can take some inspiration from that.
> I'll take a look, thanks.

I had a look at this. It's a really cool idea.

It's in principal a very good solution to what I'd like to accomplish, even
more ambitious even. And for part of my graph it's ideal in practical terms
as well - the parts that don't change so often and where number of
relationships wont mushroom. However, I have a nagging suspicion that it may
not be practical in the Book, Elements, Effects use case - may get too many
relationships. If I have versioned relationships that keeps growing from
Books to Elements then over time a Book will get a lot of direct
relationships it's involved in. Let's say I have ~500 elements/book (at any
point in time), and they'll change every day (not quite true but lets assume
so for now), then a book will add on 125,000 relationships/year (assuming
250 business days). Over a few years you'll start having half a million
direct relationships of a single Book. That's probably not an ideal deisgn,

What I was thinking is that I could have an ElementSet reference node layer
sitting between a Book and Elements. An ElementSet has a timestamp property
for when the snapshot was made or the relationship from Book to ElementSet
has a valid range on it. Then an ElementSet node in turn has Elements. So in
a year you'd add ~250 Book to ElementSet relationships, and each ElementSet
would have ~500 relationships to it's Elements. I can still get the state of
the book quite easily via a simple 2 level traversal.

Another thought I'd be happy to get some input on:
My Elements are essentially consisting of an Entity and a Quantity. The
Effects as well. If we assume we'll have millions of Effects and 100s of
thousands of Elements then I'm thinking that it's not a good idea to have
actual relationships pointing to the Entity nodes from the Element and
Effect nodes, correct? The Entity nodes would get millions of direct
relationships. I could instead put in the identifier or the Entity in the
Element and the Effect as properties and use index based queries for that


> Am 14.06.2011 um 21:14 schrieb Patrik Sundberg:
>> I should probably put in some estimates of the sort of orders of
>> of data involved:
>> Books are in the 100s
>> Effects are in the 10,000s / day
>> Elements are in the 100s / Book
>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Patrik Sundberg
>> <patrik.sundb...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Design question:
>>> I have a Book. A book has Elements. To change what Elements are in a
>>> there are Effects. An Effect adds or deletes an element from a Book (and
>>> other info). Everyday I archive the state of a Book so that I can easily
>>> the state of the Book (it's Elements) at a historical point in time. The
>>> number of elements and which elements are in a Book vary from day to day
>>> depending on the Effects taking place in the time period.
>>> So it's a bit like "Book contents archive of day X + 1 = Book contents
>>> archive of day X + the Effects between X and X + 1"
>>> There's no need to represent the daily archives in any way, it's the
>>> functionality of having historical snapshots that matter to me, so that
>>> can easily get the state of a Book at any point in time by finding the
>>> closest archive point before the time and applying the Effects from that
>>> archive timestamp and the point of interest.
>>> Ideally want to keep a long time history of Book state and Effects.
>>> Any ideas for an effecient of organizing this in a graph friendly way?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Patrik
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