Another common thing to do in this case is create a node for the purchase
action. This node would be related to the purchaser (user), item (pen) and
shop, and would contain data appropriate to the purchase (date/time, price,

Then traverse from the shop or the pen to all purchase actions that
reference the other one (shop or pen).

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:48 AM, Jim Webber <> wrote:

> Hi Manav,
> I think there's a relationship missing here.
> Pen--SOLD_BY-->shop
> That way it's easy to find all the pens that a shop sold, and who them sold
> them to.
> In general modelling your domain expressively does not come at an increase
> cost with Neo4j (caveat: you can still create write hotspots).
> Jim
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