I don't know your use case at all, but one of the benefits you get with
traversing compared to index lookups is that one hop from a node to another
is instantaneous ( > 1 million hops / second on a fully cached graph),
whereas index lookups are several order of magnitudes slower than that. But
index lookups are good for when you f.ex. have thousands/millions of names
and you'd like to get the node with a certain name. Then that would be your
starting point for doing a traversal to find other information "local" to
that node, or in its vicinity.

2011/6/13 Aman <aman.6...@gmail.com>

> What is faster - Traversals or Indexing? I mean if one has a database model
> that can offer a choice between the two, what should one choose?
> Also, what about when the scalability factor comes in?
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