Hello Aniceto,

> - EmbeddedGraphDatabase, which is good for tests, supports transactions 
> and has quick communications. Not good for medium sized or HA apps 
> because lacks separation between app and data

The EmbeddedGraphDatabase is fine for production use - in fact it's the default 
choice! The difference between using an EmbeddedGraphDatabase and the REST API 
is where the instance of EmbeddedGraphDatabase resides. If you use the REST 
API, it lives in our server process, otherwise it lives in your process.

Really the distinction is much less than that names imply.

> - standalone server: data repository is set apart from application, even 
> more than one app can access it. If EE, HA is available, but has a REST 
> interface which does not support transactions

It has transactions of course - Neo4j is *always* ACID transactional. But this 
interface does not expose those transactions to users. Instead a transaction is 
implicitly wrapped around every interaction.

> Can we expect any new communication interface with TX and HA support for 
> standalone servers, at least for Java/JVM clients or has the roadmap 
> another target?

HA is supported whether you choose to use Neo4j embedded within your process or 
whether its embedded within our process inside the REST API.

We're starting to think about next generation protocol support. That will 
probably include transactional control on the client side, but we have nothing 
to release in the 1.4 timeframe. 

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