Hi all,

Recently i tried import a huge dataset into neo using the BatchInserter. I also 
used the BatchInserterIndex. The import itself went very well and i was able to 
read from the graph, but when i tried to insert something i always got an error 
saying that no new transaction could be created. Here’s how I used the index:

// provider is a LuceneBatchInserterIndexProvider
BatchInserterIndex urnIndex = provider.nodeIndex("urn", MapUtil.stringMap( 
"type", "exact" ));

for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : nodes.entrySet()) {
      Map<String, Object> props = MapUtil.map("urn", entry.getKey());
      urnIndex.add(entry.getValue(), props);

I also called shutdown() on the provider and the BatchInserter afterwards. Is 
there anything i am missing?


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