This might be the wrong forum but I can't see a separate neo4j-dev list so
I'll ask anyway:

For those of you building neo4j community edition from source, what maven
tasks do you use most often? Are you mostly running mvn install, which does
the compile->test->publish cycle or do you use anything more esoteric?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm a good way into an ant+ivy build for
neo4j. So far I've got build, test and publish working for:
- kernel
- jmx
- udc
- lucene-index
- graph-algo
- graph-matching

I'm optimistic about the rest.

The fun thing is that the ivy build is using the local ~/.m2 cache to find
its jars, so there is a zero download cost once you've done a maven build.

Anyway, in order for this to be useful I'd like to canvass neo4j users -
particularly active developers - to ask what other tasks you regularly use
in your build. I'll use this to prioritise introducing features to the ant

If you are interested you can follow my adventures at At one point I did
have to blow away and recreate the repo after I got some crazy git merge
conflicts from the official neo4j/community repository, so you might not
want to fork it yet.

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