
I try to use Neo4J in a Ruby on Rails application (MRI Ruby not JRuby). Due to 
Rails process-based model I run one instance of the EmbeddedGraphDatabase in a 
separate process. All write updates coming in from user actions are delegated 
to this process. The EmbeddedGraphDatabase here serves as a pure writeable 
database. All reads are handled directly in the web app through multiple 
instances of EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase (one instance for each web server 

Unfortunately I encountered the following problem: When adding a new 
relationship to a node (via the EmbeddedGraphDatabase), this relationship is 
not visible to the EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase. I can reopen the 
EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase from time to time or even at each request, but 
this ends up with an "InvalidRecordException: Record[9180] not in use" when 
trying to traverse the node or trying to get the relationships. 9180 is the 
newly created relationship. 

Only when I restart the EmbeddedGraphDatabase this relationship is visible to 
the EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase without any exceptions but this shouldn't be 
the use case. Is this a bug or is there an explicit way to synchronize both 
types of database instances?

Thank you very much!


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