Hi Peter

When I ran mvn install, I got:
[WARNING] Warning building bundle
[INFO] Installing

I think there is a "tinybundles" to much in between. :-)

I moved the 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT folder one level up in the .m2/repository
folder structue and at least the tinybundles jar can now be found in
the neo4j-osgi projects.

I now have compilation errors in the examples project:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-testCompile) on project neo4j-osgi-examples: Compilatio
n failure: Compilation failure:
package org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles.core.builders does not exist
package org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles.core.builders does not exist
package org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles.core.builders does not exist
package org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles.core.builders does not exist
cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol  : class BndBuilder
[ERROR] location: class org.neo4j.examples.osgi.OSGiTest
cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol  : class SynchronousRawBuilder
[ERROR] location: class org.neo4j.examples.osgi.OSGiTest

And indeed, the org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles.core.builders package is not
in the tinybundles jar I just built and installed, but only
..tinybundles.core and ..tinybundles.core.intern. Any ideas?

Best regards,

2011/7/20 Peter Neubauer <peter.neuba...@neotechnology.com>:
> Hi Jean-Pierre,
> sorry for the inconvenience, the Tinybundles version is not yet
> released by the OPS4J team, so you can build it yourself from
> https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles
> with
> mvn clean install
> Feedback is appreciated!
> Cheers,
> /peter neubauer
> GTalk:      neubauer.peter
> Skype       peter.neubauer
> Phone       +46 704 106975
> LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
> Twitter      http://twitter.com/peterneubauer
> http://www.neo4j.org               - Your high performance graph database.
> http://startupbootcamp.org/    - Öresund - Innovation happens HERE.
> http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Jean-Pierre Bergamin
> <jpberga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone
>> May I chime in here...
>> We are really interested to see neo4j working in an OSGi environment
>> esp. together with Spring Data Graph. After an unsuccessful attempt to
>> get it up and running a couple of weeks ago we gave it another chance
>> today after seeing this post and after a whole day of debugging and
>> fiddling around with manifests and template.mf and osgi.bnd we have  -
>> hurray - a running neo4j and Spring Data Graph setup in Virgo (based
>> on Equinox).
>> Regarding the error with the missing lucene index Provider
>> (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No index provider 'lucene' found)
>> I also would like to refer to this "discussion" here:
>> https://github.com/neo4j/community/commit/e8574e96315999ab04e1b484717bb2b1a3dfa9be#commitcomment-483325
>> I also had the "No index provider 'lucene' found" error with neo4j
>> 1.4. With 1.3, the workaround was to export the org.neo4j.index.impl
>> package, which is not working with 1.4. Instead I just registered an
>> instance of LuceneIndexProvider from the lucene-index bundle as a osgi
>> service. After doing this, this index provider can be found as an OSGi
>> service by the kernel.
>> We currently register this service within our application, which is
>> probaby not the right solution. I think the lucene-index bundle should
>> export the LuceneIndexProvider service itself, shouldn't it?
>> I also tried to get your example up and running, but I have a missing
>> dependency: "Failure to find
>> org.ops4j.pax:tinybundles:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT". Which snapshot
>> repository does contain the tinybundles jar?
>> Best regards,
>> James
>> 2011/7/20 Peter Neubauer <neubauer.pe...@gmail.com>:
>>> Yup,
>>> have pulled and can see it. Thanks! Will ask the Toni for a way to
>>> cleanly shut down the framework so we can get both tests working.
>>> /peter
>>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:58 PM, Peter Neubauer
>>> <neubauer.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Nicolas,
>>>> I am away for 2 days, will try it out after that. Thanks for chipping in!
>>>> /peter
>>>> Sent from my phone.
>>>> On Jul 18, 2011 9:43 PM, "Nicolas Jouanin" <nicolas.joua...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>> I've comited a new test case which work with a pre-built bundle.
>>>>> It currently fails because in OSGiTest class the first test case doesn't
>>>>> close the database, but if you remove the @Test before the first test case
>>>>> the second one will run and succeed.
>>>>> So the neo4j superbundle seems to work correctly, event if I don't know
>>>>> what's wrong when doing it by hand on the felix framework. This need more
>>>>> time to investigate.
>>>>> Don't hesitate to pull code if needed.
>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>> Le 17 juil. 2011 à 22:06, Peter Neubauer a écrit :
>>>>>> Nicolas,
>>>>>> the best would be to be able to emulate this in a test, too. Maybe
>>>>>> classloading issues? Maybe forking the PaxExam test will reproduce the
>>>>>> issue, or running you Felix setup as a testcase to trigger this?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> /peter neubauer
>>>>>> GTalk: neubauer.peter
>>>>>> Skype peter.neubauer
>>>>>> Phone +46 704 106975
>>>>>> LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
>>>>>> Twitter http://twitter.com/peterneubauer
>>>>>> http://www.neo4j.org - Your high performance graph database.
>>>>>> http://startupbootcamp.org/ - Öresund - Innovation happens HERE.
>>>>>> http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Nicolas Jouanin
>>>>>> <nicolas.joua...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I've sent the CLA signup.
>>>>>>> The OSGiTest is working fine for me too. Problems come when taking the
>>>>>>> felix framework out of the box and deploying manually neo4j-osgi bundle 
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> another bundle containing the same activator class.
>>>>>>> I made sure to deploy same bundles but I get
>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No index provider 'lucene' found 
>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>> registring the IndexService.
>>>>>>> I think i miss a bundle which is created automatically by pax during the
>>>>>>> test case. May be lucene is missing.
>>>>>>> What do you think
>>>>>>> Le 17 juil. 2011 à 17:33, Peter Neubauer a écrit :
>>>>>>>> Hi Nicolas,
>>>>>>>> Have you been able to run
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/njouanin/neo4j-osgi/blob/master/examples/src/test/java/org/neo4j/examples/osgi/OSGiTest.java
>>>>>>>> properly? It actually is running on Equinox, so let me try it with
>>>>>>>> Felix ... back in a moment.
>>>>>>>> Also, in order to pull your changes, could you sign up as a committer,
>>>>>>>> and send a mail according to
>>>>>>>> http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/About_Contributor_License_Agreement ?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> /peter neubauer
>>>>>>>> GTalk: neubauer.peter
>>>>>>>> Skype peter.neubauer
>>>>>>>> Phone +46 704 106975
>>>>>>>> LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
>>>>>>>> Twitter http://twitter.com/peterneubauer
>>>>>>>> http://www.neo4j.org - Your high performance graph database.
>>>>>>>> http://startupbootcamp.org/ - Öresund - Innovation happens HERE.
>>>>>>>> http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Nicolas Jouanin
>>>>>>>> <nicolas.joua...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for initiating this work on OSGi bundle.
>>>>>>>>> I've forked you repository and tried to make is work using this sample
>>>>>>>>> activator [1]. My goal is to make my activator work when deployed on 
>>>>>>>>> Felix
>>>>>>>>> with the neo4j superbundle.
>>>>>>>>> First of all, I had troubles to mvn clean install the bundle module.
>>>>>>>>> maven-bundle-plugin is complaining about bundle.namespace property 
>>>>>>>>> not set.
>>>>>>>>> I've fixed it.
>>>>>>>>> Then when deploying it on Felix I had an error saying that
>>>>>>>>> javax.transaction couldn't be imported. Because this package is 
>>>>>>>>> already
>>>>>>>>> included in superbundle, I've removed it explicitally from the
>>>>>>>>> Import-Package directive. You can see the changes here [2].
>>>>>>>>> Then I tried to make my bundle activated using felix and the following
>>>>>>>>> bundles installed :
>>>>>>>>> g! lb
>>>>>>>>> START LEVEL 1
>>>>>>>>> ID|State |Level|Name
>>>>>>>>> 0|Active | 0|System Bundle (3.2.2)
>>>>>>>>> 1|Active | 1|Neo4j OSGi default bundle (0.1.0.SNAPSHOT)
>>>>>>>>> 2|Active | 1|Apache Felix Bundle Repository (1.6.2)
>>>>>>>>> 3|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Command (0.8.0)
>>>>>>>>> 4|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Runtime (0.8.0)
>>>>>>>>> 5|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Shell (0.8.0)
>>>>>>>>> 6|Resolved | 1|EscapeK - Neo4j OSGi how-to - Embedded client
>>>>>>>>> (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
>>>>>>>>> There are only felix core, neo4j superbundle and my test bundle.
>>>>>>>>> So when starting felix I get the following trace :
>>>>>>>>> ____________________________
>>>>>>>>> Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo
>>>>>>>>> g! Opening database in embedded mode: 17 juil. 2011 14:57:08
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework.XaLogicalLog
>>>>>>>>> doInternalRecovery
>>>>>>>>> INFO: Non clean shutdown detected on log
>>>>>>>>> [graphdb/nioneo_logical.log.1]. Recovery started ...
>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>> Populating it ... OK
>>>>>>>>> Hello, brave Neo4j world!
>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Bundle org.escapek.neo4j-osgi-howto.embedded-client [6] Error
>>>>>>>>> starting
>>>>>>>>> file:/Users/nico/Dev/felix-framework-3.2.2/bundle/org.escapek.neo4j-osgi-howto.embedded-client_0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>>>>>>> (org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Activator start error in bundle
>>>>>>>>> org.escapek.neo4j-osgi-howto.embedded-client [6].)
>>>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No index provider 'lucene' found
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j.kernel.IndexManagerImpl.getIndexProvider(IndexManagerImpl.java:76)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j.kernel.IndexManagerImpl.findIndexConfig(IndexManagerImpl.java:116)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j.kernel.IndexManagerImpl.getOrCreateIndexConfig(IndexManagerImpl.java:178)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j.kernel.IndexManagerImpl.getOrCreateNodeIndex(IndexManagerImpl.java:267)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j.kernel.IndexManagerImpl.forNodes(IndexManagerImpl.java:255)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.neo4j.kernel.IndexManagerImpl.forNodes(IndexManagerImpl.java:249)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.escapek.neo4jOsgiHowto.embeddedClient.EmbeddedClientActivator.start(EmbeddedClientActivator.java:65)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.util.SecureAction.startActivator(SecureAction.java:629)
>>>>>>>>> at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.activateBundle(Felix.java:1904)
>>>>>>>>> at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(Felix.java:1822)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.setActiveStartLevel(Felix.java:1192)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.StartLevelImpl.run(StartLevelImpl.java:266)
>>>>>>>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)
>>>>>>>>> So everything works fine (open database, populate it and register
>>>>>>>>> service) until the activator tries to register IndexProvider service. 
>>>>>>>>> I then
>>>>>>>>> get the previous exception which reminds me of something ...
>>>>>>>>> May be you can have a look at the stack trace to look for the error
>>>>>>>>> cause.
>>>>>>>>> NJ
>>>>>>>>> [1] -
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/njouanin/neo4j-osgi-howto/blob/master/embedded-client/src/main/java/org/escapek/neo4jOsgiHowto/embeddedClient/EmbeddedClientActivator.java
>>>>>>>>> [2] -
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/njouanin/neo4j-osgi/commit/4ec3eaf58b514d806fde3e48dd942c00fdfddf70
>>>>>>>>> Le 5 juil. 2011 à 22:41, Peter Neubauer a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I just pushed an initial working bundle-build to
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-osgi. You can see the working test in
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-osgi/blob/master/examples/src/test/java/org/neo4j/examples/osgi/OSGiTest.java
>>>>>>>>>> that waits for the Activator to instantiate and register a
>>>>>>>>>> GraphDatabaseService and a LuceneIndex.
>>>>>>>>>> This should be tweaked, but maybe you can use the bundle project
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-osgi/blob/master/bundle/pom.xml ,
>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>> is just one pom.xml, as a blueprint for your OSGi environment Neo4j
>>>>>>>>>> bundle.
>>>>>>>>>> Right now JTA and others are drawn into the bundle, which might be
>>>>>>>>>> too
>>>>>>>>>> much, but I think you get the picture.
>>>>>>>>>> This works even with the Java Service Loader architecture. Feel free
>>>>>>>>>> to fork and tune the bundles exports, and add more tests to it.
>>>>>>>>>> WDYT?
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> /peter neubauer
>>>>>>>>>> GTalk: neubauer.peter
>>>>>>>>>> Skype peter.neubauer
>>>>>>>>>> Phone +46 704 106975
>>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
>>>>>>>>>> Twitter http://twitter.com/peterneubauer
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.neo4j.org - Your high performance graph database.
>>>>>>>>>> http://startupbootcamp.org/ - Öresund - Innovation happens HERE.
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing
>>>>>>>>>> party.
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