Hi all,

I'm trying to implement full support for unicode in my neo4j Python
REST client, but I'm finding some dificulties:
- I send a property key such as "p r öp€rtŷ", and I'm able to get
everything working using a URL encoding, that converts that string
into "'p%20r%20%C3%83%C2%B6p%C3%A2%C2%82%C2%ACrt%C3%85%C2%B7'" and all
I have to do is decode at reception.
- I send a property key such as "pr/öp€rtŷ", I can use safe URL
encoding to avoid crash with the slash:
"pr/%C3%83%C2%B6p%C3%A2%C2%82%C2%ACrt%C3%85%C2%B7", after that I can
decode it in the client.
- But if I have a property key with both slash and spaces, such as "p
r/ öp€rtŷ", there's no way to get this working properly.

Any ideas?

Javier de la Rosa
Neo4j mailing list

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