Hey Michael,
I took a very quick look, I think understand it, looks like it attempts to
get nodes by id starting from 0 until highest possible ID.
public synchronized boolean hasNext()
            while ( currentNode == null && currentNodeId <= highId )
                    currentNode = getNodeById( currentNodeId++ );
                catch ( NotFoundException e )
                    // ok we try next
            return currentNode != null;
(seems to work even for when neo4j recycles deleted ids;
highId=100012 in my case where I had 100,011 relationships each with unique
nodes, so likely 100,012 nodes)

Thank you for pointing me to that, I will consider doing the same with
getRelationshipById() and bench them both xD
Done, looks like it halves the time when using getAllRels()
ie. (output)
counting inside the same transaction...
Node `one` has 1,753,000 out rels, time=10,235,246,378
tx.finish() time=1,070,892,633
counting one's outgoing rels (outside of initial transaction)...
Node `one` has 1,753,000 out rels, time=1,743,920,993
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=26,404,843,957 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=699,410,620 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,667,748,552 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=655,286,990 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*1,261*,898,459 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*663*,559,121 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,257,557,629 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=637,826,233 ns
Shutting down database ...

and the sample program for this(I did have to add getAllRels() which is
similar with getAllNodes()):
-------------------- in EmbeddedGraphDbImpl.java
public Iterable<Relationship> getAllRels() {
        return new Iterable<Relationship>() {

            public Iterator<Relationship> iterator() {
                long highId = nodeManager.getHighestPossibleIdInUse(
Relationship.class );
                return new AllRelsIterator( highId );

    private class AllRelsIterator implements Iterator<Relationship> {

        private final long        highId;
        private long            currentRelId    = 0;
        private Relationship    currentRel        = null;

        AllRelsIterator( long highId ) {
            this.highId = highId;

        public synchronized boolean hasNext() {
            while ( currentRel == null && currentRelId <= highId ) {
                try {
                    currentRel = getRelationshipById( currentRelId++ );
                } catch ( NotFoundException e ) {
                    // ok we try next
            return currentRel != null;

        public synchronized Relationship next() {
            if ( !hasNext() ) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

            Relationship nextNode = currentRel;
            currentRel = null;
            return nextNode;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

 * Licensed to Neo Technology under one or more contributor
 * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
 * ownership. Neo Technology licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.neo4j.examples;

import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;

import org.neo4j.graphdb.*;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.*;
import org.neo4j.kernel.*;

public class CalculateShortestPath {

    private static final int
    private static final int            SHOWINFO_IF_REL_TOOK_MORE_THAN_ns
        = 30000;
    private static final int            SHOWEVERY_xTH_REL
        = 10000;
    private static final int            HOWMANY_RELATIONSHIPS
        = 109000;
    private static final String            DB_PATH
                = "neo4j-shortest-path";
    private static final String            NAME_KEY
            = "name";
    private static RelationshipType        KNOWS
            = DynamicRelationshipType

            .withName( "KNOWS" );

    private static GraphDatabaseService    graphDb;
    private static Index<Node>            indexService;
    private static DecimalFormat        commaDelimitedFormatter
            = new DecimalFormat( "###,###" );

    public static String number( double val ) {
        return commaDelimitedFormatter.format( val );

    public static void main( final String[] args ) {
        // deleteFileOrDirectory( new File( DB_PATH ) );// XXX:
        graphDb = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase( DB_PATH );
        indexService = graphDb.index().forNodes( "nodes" );
        Transaction rootTx;
        rootTx = graphDb.beginTx();
        Node one = getOrCreateNode( "one" );
        DynamicRelationshipType moo = DynamicRelationshipType.withName(
"moo" );
        try {
            for ( int i = 1; i <= HOWMANY_RELATIONSHIPS; i++ ) {
                long start = System.nanoTime();
                Relationship rel = one.createRelationshipTo(
graphDb.createNode(), moo );
                long end = System.nanoTime();
                if ( ( i % SHOWEVERY_xTH_REL == 0 ) || ( end - start >
                    System.out.println( number( i ) + " timeDelta=" +
number( end - start ) );

            System.out.println( "counting inside the same transaction..." );
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            Iterable<Relationship> rel = one.getRelationships(
Direction.OUTGOING, moo );
            long count = 0;
            long tstart = 0;
            for ( Relationship relationship : rel ) {
                // long tend = System.nanoTime();
                // if ( ( tend - tstart >
                // System.out.println( number( count ) + " timeDelta=" +
number( tend - tstart ) );
                // }
                // tstart = System.nanoTime();
            long end = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println( "Node `" + one.getProperty( NAME_KEY ) + "`
has " + number( count ) + " out rels, time="
                + number( end - start ) );

        } finally {
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            long end = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println( "tx.finish() time=" + number( end - start )

        System.out.println( "counting one's outgoing rels (outside of
initial transaction)..." );
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        Iterable<Relationship> rel = one.getRelationships(
Direction.OUTGOING, moo );
        long count = 0;
        for ( Relationship relationship : rel ) {
        long end = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println( "Node `" + one.getProperty( NAME_KEY ) + "` has
" + number( count ) + " out rels, time="
            + number( end - start ) );

        int repeat = 3;
        do {
            System.out.println( "counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ...
via getAllNodes" );
            count = 0;
            start = System.nanoTime();
            Iterable<Node> allNodes = graphDb.getAllNodes();
            for ( Node node : allNodes ) {
                Iterable<Relationship> allRels = node.getRelationships(
Direction.OUTGOING );
                for ( Relationship relationship : allRels ) {
            end = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println( "all relationships in the database = " +
number( count ) + " timedelta=" + number( end - start )
                + " ns" );

            System.out.println( "counting all Relationships ... via
getAllRels" );
            count = 0;
            start = System.nanoTime();
            Iterable<Relationship> allRels = graphDb.getAllRels();
            for ( Relationship relationship : allRels ) {
            end = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println( "all relationships in the database = " +
number( count ) + " timedelta=" + number( end - start )
                + " ns" );
        } while ( repeat-- > 0 );

    private static Node getOrCreateNode( String name ) {
        Node node = indexService.get( NAME_KEY, name ).getSingle();
        if ( node == null ) {
            System.out.println( "creating new node with name=" + name );
            node = graphDb.createNode();
            node.setProperty( NAME_KEY, name );
            indexService.add( node, NAME_KEY, name );
        return node;

    private static void registerShutdownHook() {
        // Registers a shutdown hook for the Neo4j instance so that it
        // shuts down nicely when the VM exits (even if you "Ctrl-C" the
        // running example before it's completed)
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( new Thread() {

            @SuppressWarnings( "synthetic-access" )
            public void run() {
                System.out.println( "Shutting down database ..." );
        } );

    private static void deleteFileOrDirectory( File file ) {
        if ( file.exists() ) {
            if ( file.isDirectory() ) {
                for ( File child : file.listFiles() ) {
                    deleteFileOrDirectory( child );

here's another output when no additions were done (using same sample
program) but trying to count the relationships via getAllRels first, then
getAllNodes, and repeating this block:
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*10,1*02,256,698 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*29,9*02,912,485 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=687,562,153 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,377,601,567 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*648*,269,229 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*1,371*,030,811 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=756,425,427 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,256,402,192 ns
Shutting down database ...

and here's another way:
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*10,154*,915,686 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*690*,298,744 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=649,536,192 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,978,228,693 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=653,655,768 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=647,365,027 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*28,549*,060,316 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,355,109,837 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,442,695,434 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,438,563,566 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,366,895,645 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=*1,384*,237,380 ns
Shutting down database ...

I'll paste the program as it is for this last test (though it's the same
one, but a bit reordered):
I also cleaned it up some:
 * Licensed to Neo Technology under one or more contributor
 * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
 * ownership. Neo Technology licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.neo4j.examples;

import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;

import org.neo4j.graphdb.*;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.*;
import org.neo4j.kernel.*;

public class Copy_2_of_CalculateShortestPath {

    private static final String            DB_PATH                    =
    private static final String            NAME_KEY                = "name";

    private static GraphDatabaseService    graphDb;
    private static Index<Node>            indexService;
    private static DecimalFormat        commaDelimitedFormatter    = new
DecimalFormat( "###,###" );

    public static String number( double val ) {
        return commaDelimitedFormatter.format( val );

    public static void main( final String[] args ) {
        // deleteFileOrDirectory( new File( DB_PATH ) );// XXX:
        graphDb = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase( DB_PATH );
        indexService = graphDb.index().forNodes( "nodes" );
        Transaction rootTx;
        Node one = getOrCreateNode( "one" );
        DynamicRelationshipType moo = DynamicRelationshipType.withName(
"moo" );

        int repeat = 5;
        do {
            System.out.println( "counting all Relationships ... via
getAllRels" );
            long count = 0;
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            Iterable<Relationship> allRels = graphDb.getAllRels();
            for ( Relationship relationship : allRels ) {
            long end = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println( "all relationships in the database = " +
number( count ) + " timedelta=" + number( end - start )
                + " ns" );
        } while ( repeat-- > 0 );

        repeat = 5;
        do {
            System.out.println( "counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ...
via getAllNodes" );
            long count = 0;
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            Iterable<Node> allNodes = graphDb.getAllNodes();
            for ( Node node : allNodes ) {
                Iterable<Relationship> allRels2 = node.getRelationships(
Direction.OUTGOING );
                for ( Relationship relationship : allRels2 ) {
            long end = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println( "all relationships in the database = " +
number( count ) + " timedelta=" + number( end - start )
                + " ns" );
        } while ( repeat-- > 0 );

    private static Node getOrCreateNode( String name ) {
        Node node = indexService.get( NAME_KEY, name ).getSingle();
        if ( node == null ) {
            System.out.println( "creating new node with name=" + name );
            node = graphDb.createNode();
            node.setProperty( NAME_KEY, name );
            indexService.add( node, NAME_KEY, name );
        return node;

    private static void registerShutdownHook() {
        // Registers a shutdown hook for the Neo4j instance so that it
        // shuts down nicely when the VM exits (even if you "Ctrl-C" the
        // running example before it's completed)
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( new Thread() {

            @SuppressWarnings( "synthetic-access" )
            public void run() {
                System.out.println( "Shutting down database ..." );
        } );

    private static void deleteFileOrDirectory( File file ) {
        if ( file.exists() ) {
            if ( file.isDirectory() ) {
                for ( File child : file.listFiles() ) {
                    deleteFileOrDirectory( child );

All in all, a little better, but not making much difference for me at the
moment, until reaching some very high amount of relationships or doing lots
of counts.
Well great, see you later :)

counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=11,904,833,914 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=715,916,208 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=652,136,373 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=770,903,756 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=651,695,964 ns
counting all Relationships ... via getAllRels
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=658,016,686 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=28,067,437,117 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,347,472,686 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,282,134,781 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,309,284,532 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,358,393,266 ns
counting all outgoing rels of all nodes ... via getAllNodes
all relationships in the database = 1,753,000 timedelta=1,219,737,032 ns
Shutting down database ...

On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Michael Hunger <
michael.hun...@neotechnology.com> wrote:

> An internal implementation would be probably faster.
> If timing is that critical for you, you can have a look in
> EmbeddedGraphDbImpl.getAllNodes() and implement a similar solution for
> relationships.
> Cheers
> Michael
> Am 23.07.2011 um 04:20 schrieb John cyuczieekc:
> > Hey Jim,
> > I am sort of glad to hear that, maybe in the future I could see a method
> > like getAllRelationships(), or not, np :)
> > Yes, using Michael's code works, but ...
> > total relations count=100,011 timedelta=3,075,897,991 ns
> > it kind of takes 3 seconds (when not cached) to count 100k relationships
> > (considering there are 100k+2 unique nodes too)
> > when cached:
> > total relations count=100,011 timedelta=154,673,763 ns
> >
> > Still, it's pretty fast, but I have to wonder if it would be faster if
> using
> > relationships directly :)
> >
> > Either way, wish y'all a great day!
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 3:57 AM, Jim Webber <j...@neotechnology.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi John,
> >>
> >> Relationships are stored in a different store than nodes. This enables
> >> Neo4j to manage lifecycle events (like caching) for nodes and
> relationships
> >> separately.
> >>
> >> Neo4j really is a graph DB, not a triple store masquerading as a graph
> DB.
> >>
> >> Nonetheless, that code Michael sent still works :-)
> >>
> >> Jim
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