Hey Niels,

I like xD
this seems like a lot of work and professionally done; ie. something I could
not have done (I don't have that kind of experience and focus). Gratz on
that, I really appreciate seeing this.

I cloned the repo from git, manually, with eclipse (not using maven - don't
know how with eclipse)
I am getting only about 3 compile errors, like:
1) The type BinaryRelationshipRoles<T> must implement the inherited abstract
method PropertyContainer.getId()
2) The constructor PropertyType<T>(String, GraphDatabaseService) is not
3) The return type is incompatible with

  Also, I am thinking to try and implement this on top of berkeleydb just
for fun/benchmarking (so to speak) to compare between that and neo4j - since
I am currently unsure which one to use for my hobby project (I like that
berkeleydb's searches are 0-1ms instead of few seconds)

Btw, would it be any interest to you if I were to fork your repo and add ie.
AllTests.java for junit and the .project and related files for eclipse
project in a pull or two ? as long as it doesn't seem useless or
cluttering... (note however I never actually, yet, used fork&pull but only
read about it on github xD)

Thanks to all, for wasting some time reading this,
Greeting and salutations,

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Niels Hoogeveen

> I just posted an example on how to use HyperRelationships:
> https://github.com/peterneubauer/graph-collections/wiki/HyperRelationship-example
> There is now a proper test for HyperRelationships, so I hereby push the
> software to Beta status.
> Please try out the Enhanced API and HyperRelationships and let me know what
> needs improvement.
> Niels
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