When iterating over all nodes, you also pull the reference node (with id = 0), 
which probably doesn't have the requested property.
If you want to list all properties of a node, it's better to use a construct 
for(String key: node.getPropertyKeys()){   

> Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 13:18:50 +0200
> From: c-...@jsnet.be
> To: user@lists.neo4j.org
> Subject: [Neo4j] strange problem while getting a node property
> Hi,
> I've this strange problem when I try to collect data from the graph with 
> the Java API in Groovy :
> db.allNodes.each {node ->
>      cpt=0
>      node.getRelationships().each {rel ->
>              cpt++
>          }
>      println ("${node} ${cpt}")
>      println node.getPropertyKeys()
> }
> The iteration on each node is right working.
> The iteration to count the relationships on each node is working too.
> The call node.getPropertyKeys() gives me the list of the properties like 
> this :
> [nbrel, version, maintainer, section, architecture, package, priority, 
> dataset, installedSize]
> But,
> If a call node.getProperty("package")
> I receive this error :
> Caught: org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException: package property not found 
> for NodeImpl#0
> And, If I set the value just before, for test like this :
> node.setProperty("package", "test")
> println node.getProperty("package")
> I get the value.
> So I can't get property which was not set by the node.setProperty method.
> The initial data are copied into the graph with a perl script using the 
> Neo4j REST interface.
> Maybe I do something wrong,
> I'm a newbie in both Neo4j and Groovy
> Regards,
> Jean-Sébastien Stoffen
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