I can probably find the time for that. It would be fun working on these ideas 
in collaboration. I don't mind producing my usual brain-dumps and write some of 
the code, but quality will certainly improve when it is more than just me 
paying attention to this.

> From: peter.neuba...@neotechnology.com
> Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 11:50:35 +0200
> To: user@lists.neo4j.org
> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Enhanced API rewrite
> Very interesting thoughts!
> I would love to have a bootcamp and explore a spike on how this would
> work out in practice. Got anything to do this autumn? ;)
> Cheers,
> /peter neubauer
> GTalk:      neubauer.peter
> Skype       peter.neubauer
> Phone       +46 704 106975
> LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
> Twitter      http://twitter.com/peterneubauer
> http://www.neo4j.org               - Your high performance graph database.
> http://startupbootcamp.org/    - Ă–resund - Innovation happens HERE.
> http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
> On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Niels Hoogeveen
> <pd_aficion...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Peter,
> >
> > Thanks for showing an interest.
> >
> > A Property is indeed a unary edge in the Enhanced API and therefore 
> > (potentially) backed by a Node, but that Node doesn't contain the value.
> >
> > All property values are still stored the way they are stored in the 
> > standard API. If someone however decides to add a Property to a Property or 
> > create an Edge containing that Property, a Node will be created to store 
> > those properties and connect those Edges to.
> >
> > When the associated Node of a Property is created, the ID of that Node will 
> > be stored in the PropertyContainer of that property.
> >
> > Example:
> >
> > Suppose we have a property on a "Person" Vertex that denotes a personal 
> > identity number, and the user of the application want to annually check 
> > that identity number against some other database and state when it was last 
> > verified and who verified it.
> >
> > A Vertex (backed by a Node) for a particular Person is created and the 
> > property is set (in that Node's PropertyContainer), just like it would be 
> > the case in the standard API.
> >
> > When the verification is done, an additional property is created on the 
> > PropertyContainer of that Person with the name 
> > org.neo4j.collections.graphdb.[propertyname].node_id
> >
> > This property contains the node ID of the associated property. On that node 
> > the verification date will be set and the BinaryEdge (in principle nothing 
> > but a classic Relationship) will be created to the "Person" Vertex of the 
> > one who verified the personal identity code.
> >
> > It is certainly true that everything being a Vertex makes the Node 
> > implementation more important than ever before, but it goes even further, 
> > apart from a standard Vertex and the various VertexTypes, almost everything 
> > is an Edge. So I would say the Relationship implementation is becoming 
> > eminently important.
> >
> > There are certainly several tweaks to the storage layer I would love to see 
> > incorporated, mostly to hide the implementation for the user and to make 
> > sure that the maintenance of IDs takes place in core and not in a layer on 
> > top of core.
> >
> > In fact all of Enhanced API could much better be maintained  in core, 
> > something that can actually quite easily be implemented. One of my 
> > "ulterior motives" with the development of Enhanced API is to tease out the 
> > technical requirements to push this functionality into core (whether Neo 
> > Tech decides to do so, is another question of course).
> >
> > Since the Neo4j database consists mostly of records and linked lists, the 
> > technical requirements to push things into core, are mostly a question of 
> > adding entry-points to linked lists in some records and partitioning some 
> > existing linked lists.
> >
> > I will write down those requirements in a separate post. This will include 
> > support for N-ary edges, since that is actually not all that difficult to 
> > implement and adds very little complexity to the database.
> >
> > Yes, traversals will become much more generalized in the Enhanced API, 
> > especially when we make them composable. In fact composable traversal 
> > descriptions can easily be seen as a query language giving access to all 
> > parts of the database.
> >
> > Niels
> >
> >> From: peter.neuba...@neotechnology.com
> >> Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 09:10:02 +0200
> >> To: user@lists.neo4j.org
> >> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Enhanced API rewrite
> >>
> >> Niels,
> >> this sounds very interesting. Given the role of properties being unary
> >> edges, that would mean that any classic Neo4j property would now be a
> >> Node with one Property in the new Vertex sense?
> >>
> >> Having Vertices for EVERYTHING will of course make the
> >> node-implementation much more important than anything else, since
> >> every element is backed by a node, possibly with some property. I
> >> wonder how this would reflect in the storage layer that might need to
> >> be tweaked.
> >>
> >> Also, as you point out, traversals will become quite different with
> >> this API, but let's see an what the weekend brings ;)
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>
> >> /peter neubauer
> >>
> >> GTalk:      neubauer.peter
> >> Skype       peter.neubauer
> >> Phone       +46 704 106975
> >> LinkedIn   http://www.linkedin.com/in/neubauer
> >> Twitter      http://twitter.com/peterneubauer
> >>
> >> http://www.neo4j.org               - Your high performance graph database.
> >> http://startupbootcamp.org/    - Ă–resund - Innovation happens HERE.
> >> http://www.thoughtmade.com - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 2:51 AM, Niels Hoogeveen
> >> <pd_aficion...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Today I pushed a major rewrite of the Enhanced API. See: 
> >> > https://github.com/peterneubauer/graph-collections/tree/master/src/main/java/org/neo4j/collections/graphdb
> >> >
> >> > Originally the Enhanced API was a drop-in replacement of the standard 
> >> > Neo4j API. This resulted in lots of wrapper classes that needed to be 
> >> > maintained.
> >> >
> >> > The rewrite of Enhanced API is no longer a drop-in replacement and 
> >> > contains no interface/class names that can be found in the standard API.
> >> >
> >> > Enhanced API no longer speaks of Nodes but of Vertices and doesn't speak 
> >> > of Relationships but of Edges. This helps to prevent name clashes at the 
> >> > expense of somewhat less recognizable names (Relationship is after all a 
> >> > more common word than Edge).
> >> >
> >> > This rewrite is not merely a renaming of classes and interfaces, but is 
> >> > in most part a complete rewrite and also a rethinking of the API on my 
> >> > part.
> >> >
> >> > Enhanced API consists of two basic elements: Vertex and EdgeRole. Most 
> >> > elements are a subclass of Vertex, though there are some specialized 
> >> > versions of EdgeRole.
> >> >
> >> > Let me start with an example:
> >> >
> >> > Suppose we have two vertices denoting the persons Tom and Paula, and we 
> >> > want to state that Tom is the father of Paula.
> >> >
> >> > For standard Neo4j we tend to write such a fact as:
> >> >
> >> > Tom --Father--> Paula
> >> >
> >> > For Enhanced API we can conceptually write this fact as follows:
> >> >
> >> >       --StartRole--Tom
> >> > Father
> >> >       --EndRole--Paula
> >> >
> >> > This should be read as follows: We have two Vertices: Tom and Paula and 
> >> > we have a BinaryEdge (similar to a Relationship in the standard API) of 
> >> > type "Father", where Tom has the StartRole for that edge and Paula has 
> >> > the EndRole for that edge.
> >> >
> >> > So instead of a directed graph, we conceptually have an undirected 
> >> > bipartite graph.
> >> >
> >> > For binary edges (edges between two vertices), this is mostly 
> >> > conceptually the case, because the API will simply allow you to write: 
> >> > tom.createEdgeTo(paula, FATHER) (similar to 
> >> > tom.createRelationshipTo(paula, FATHER) as we would have in the standard 
> >> > API).
> >> >
> >> > It is also possible to fetch the start vertex of the binary relationship 
> >> > with the method: edge.getStartVertex() (similar to 
> >> > relationship.getStartNode()), although it is also possible to treat the 
> >> > binary edge as a generic edge and fetch that Vertex as: 
> >> > edge.getElement(db.getStartRole()).
> >> >
> >> > BinaryEdges, are a special case and have special methods which cover the 
> >> > same functionality as can be found in the standard Neo4j API.
> >> >
> >> > In general, we can say that Vertices are connected to Edges by means of 
> >> > EdgeRoles. In the binary case there are two predefined EdgeRoles: 
> >> > StartRole and EndRole.
> >> >
> >> > Before we get deeper into the general case of n-ary edges, let's first 
> >> > look at another special case: Properties.
> >> >
> >> > Properties can be thought of as unary edges, an edge that connects to 
> >> > only one Vertex (as opposed to two in the binary case).
> >> >
> >> > Suppose we want to state that Tom is 49 years old, we can write that as:
> >> >
> >> > age(49)--PropertyRole--Tom
> >> >
> >> > We have an edge of type "age" that is connected to the vertex Tom in the 
> >> > role of a property.
> >> >
> >> > Again this is mostly conceptually true, because there are lots of 
> >> > methods in Enhanced API that are very similar to the ones found in the 
> >> > standard API; getProperty, hasProperty, setProperty. Instead, we can 
> >> > also call methods on the property itself, after all the age property 
> >> > connected to the Vertex "Tom", is an object all of itself. More 
> >> > precisely it is a Property and with that it is a UnaryEdge, which is an 
> >> > Edge, which is a Vertex.
> >> >
> >> > From the age property we can fetch the ProperyType, but we can also ask 
> >> > for the Vertex it is connected to: getVertex(). Since a Property is an 
> >> > Edge we can also fetch the connected vertex (Tom) as follows: 
> >> > age.getElement(db.getPropertyRole).
> >> >
> >> > So we have seen the two special cases: unary edges and binary edges, 
> >> > which work very much the same as properties and Relationships in the 
> >> > standard Neo4j API, though we have given it a conceptually different 
> >> > perspective that unifies the two and fits it neatly into the general 
> >> > case of N-ary edges.
> >> >
> >> > As said before, an Edge is a Vertex that connects other Vertices by 
> >> > means of EdgeRoles. Since Edges are Vertices, they can have other Edges 
> >> > connected to them. Or in standard API talk: relationships can be 
> >> > connected to other relationships and they can have properties.
> >> >
> >> > The concept of EdgeRoles separates Edges from Vertices, so we will 
> >> > effectively have a bipartite graph where Vertices can only connect to 
> >> > Edges and Edges can only connect to Vertices. Given the fact that Edges 
> >> > are also Vertices, Edges can be connected to Edges, but in such a case 
> >> > it is unambiguous which plays the role of Edge and which plays the role 
> >> > of Vertex in that connection.
> >> >
> >> > Let's look at an example of an N-ary edge:
> >> >
> >> > Suppose we want to state the fact that Tom gives Paula a Bicycle (no 
> >> > golden helicopters in stock today). We can write that as follows:
> >> >
> >> >      --Giver--Tom
> >> > GIVES --Recipient -- Paula
> >> >      --Gift -- Bicycle
> >> >
> >> > There is an EdgeType GIVES which defines three EdgeRoles: Giver, 
> >> > Recipient and Gift, which connect Tom, Paula and Bicycle to the Edge.
> >> >
> >> > The edge is created by first creating three EdgeElement objects that 
> >> > each contain a Role and the connected Vertex. We can then make the call 
> >> > db.createEdge(GIVES, edgeElements).
> >> >
> >> > An EdgeElement is that what is connected to Edge for a particular 
> >> > EdgeRole (including that EdgeRole itself).
> >> >
> >> > An EdgeElement can contain more than one connected Vertex. We can for 
> >> > example state: Tom and Dick give Paula a Bicycle.
> >> >
> >> > In Enhanced API notation:
> >> >
> >> >      --Giver--Tom, Dick
> >> > GIVES --Recipient -- Paula
> >> >      --Gift -- Bicycle
> >> >
> >> > Or we may want to state: Tom, Dick and Harry give Paula and Josephine a 
> >> > Bicycle and an Icecream.
> >> >
> >> > In Enhanced API notation:
> >> >
> >> >      --Giver--Tom, Dick, Harry
> >> > GIVES --Recipient -- Paula, Josephine
> >> >      --Gift -- Bicycle, Icecream
> >> >
> >> > The API allow the user to fetch an EdgeElement by means of an EdgeRole 
> >> > and iterate over the connected Vertices:
> >> >
> >> > for(EdgeElement givers: gives.getElements(Giver)){
> >> >  for(Vertex giver: givers.getVertices){
> >> >     //do something with the giver Vertex
> >> >  }
> >> > }
> >> >
> >> > For those cases where an EdgeElement can contain only one Vertex, there 
> >> > is a FunctionalEdgeElement, which can only be used in conjunction with 
> >> > FunctionalEdgeRoles.
> >> >
> >> > StartRole, EndRole and PropertyRole are all FunctionalEdgeRoles, since 
> >> > we can have only one start Vertex and one end Vertex per BinaryEdge 
> >> > (just like there can only be one StartNode and one EndNode for a 
> >> > Relationship in the standard API) and we can only have one Vertex 
> >> > associated with a Property (just like a property can not belong to two 
> >> > different Nodes in the standard Neo4j API) .
> >> >
> >> > The Enhanced API can be used in conjunction with standard Neo4j API. The 
> >> > only replacement needed is that of the database instance. The Enhanced 
> >> > API defines a DatabaseService interface, which extends the standard 
> >> > GraphDatabaseService interface and adds several enhanced methods for the 
> >> > creation and lookup of Vertices, Edges and several kinds of VertexTypes.
> >> >
> >> > Now the big question is of course, what do we gain with this entire 
> >> > apparatus?
> >> >
> >> > First of all, we have unification of the storage elements of Neo4j. 
> >> > Everything that can be stored in Neo4j is a Vertex:
> >> >
> >> > Node is very much like a Vertex (with a slightly different interface 
> >> > that has similar features to the standard Neo4j API, and more...)
> >> > Relationship is very much like BinaryEdge, which is an Edge, which is a 
> >> > Vertex
> >> > RelationshipType is covered by BinaryEdgeType which is an EdgeType, 
> >> > which is a VertexType, which is a Vertex
> >> > property name is wrapped as a PropertyType which is an an EdgeType, 
> >> > which is a VertexType, which is a Vertex.
> >> > propery value is wrapped as a Property which is a UnaryEdge, which is an 
> >> > Edge, which is a Vertex
> >> >
> >> > Having this unification, it is possible to write traversals to every 
> >> > part of the Neo4j database. And that is the big boon of this unification.
> >> >
> >> > Every part of the database can be accessed with a traveral description.
> >> >
> >> > The standard Neo4j API only allows traversals to return Nodes given a 
> >> > start Node. The Enhanced API allows traversals from any part of the 
> >> > graph, whether it is a regular Vertex, an Edge or a Property (or a type 
> >> > thereof), to any other part of the graph, no matter if it is a regular 
> >> > Vertex, an Edge or a Property (or a type thereof).
> >> >
> >> > All that needs to be supplied are the EdgeTypes that need to be followed 
> >> > in a traversal (and the regular evaluators that go with it).
> >> >
> >> > Now the big downer to this all:
> >> >
> >> > I still have to write the traversal framework, which will actually 
> >> > follow the Standard Neo4j framework, but will certainly make traversals 
> >> > composable.
> >> >
> >> > Every Vertex is not just a Vertex, but it is also a bunch of paths. Well 
> >> > not really a bunch, it is a bunch of size one, and not much of a path 
> >> > either, since it only contains one path element, the Vertex itself.
> >> >
> >> > A traversal returns a bunch of paths (Iterable<Path>) and starts from a 
> >> > bunch of paths (still Iterable<Path>).
> >> >
> >> > Since the output of a traversal is the same as the input of a traversal 
> >> > we can now compose them. This makes it possible to write a traversal 
> >> > description which states that we want to retrieve the parents of our 
> >> > friends, or the neighbours of the parents of our friends, and even: the 
> >> > names of the dogs of the neighbours of the parents of our friends (after 
> >> > all, we can now traverse to a property).
> >> >
> >> > This can be achieved when we make traversal descriptions composable. 
> >> > Most users probably don't want to manually compose traversals, they 
> >> > would much rather compose traversal descriptions and let those 
> >> > descriptions do the composition of the traversals.
> >> >
> >> > These are some things to work on over the weekend + plus + plus + 
> >> > documentation (especially Javadoc) and more test cases (especially the 
> >> > integration of IndexedRelationships as SortableBinaryEdges needs 
> >> > thorough testing).
> >> >
> >> > For the rest, I'd like to hear opinions and suggestions for improvement.
> >> >
> >> > Niels
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