G'day Romiko,

> *       Configuration File: Autoindexing enabled here is related to 
> automatically indexing all nodes and relationships?
> *
> If I want to add a node to an index following the guidelines, what convention 
> should be used for the Key/Value naming? Imagine we have nodes of type 
> Customers, and we have 10000 customers, what sort of key/value would we set 
> for each customer, as I would guess that all properties are indexed for the 
> node? Would it be perhaps a unique auto increment number for example that is 
> in no way related to the data node?

The basic mechanics are straightforward: Assuming you've configured your 
 then there's nothing more to do. Every time you encounter a node (or 
relationship) with one of the properties that you declared in your config, 
it'll be added to the index if it wasn't before, and the property value will be 
in sync with the value in the node (or relationship).

Only the properties that you ask to be auto-indexed will be. So in your case, 
you might well have an auto index config that indexes only (say) customer_id 
and doesn't care about other properties.

> *       Also, how can we control the properties/fields to index when we add a 
> node to an index with the RestApi, I would imagine we would not want to index 
> all fields on a node via the auto indexing feature?

At the moment you can't control auto indexing through the REST API, you can 
only use auto indexes that have been configured on the server. I recall Jake (I 
think) mentioning this before, and it boils down to the fact that we don't 
mutate config (and so changes to auto index config isn't persisted across DB 
restarts). Once we figure out how to persist things like config in a database, 
we'll get stuck into that :-)


PS - thanks for prompting on this, it's triggered a good refactoring and 
cleanup of the index functional tests.
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