Thanks Sujit and Saikat.
I managed to get it up and running now.

Regarding the 2 process issue - I have a homegrown ApplicationContext loader
which was loading graph context twice. Managed to figure it out after
Sujit's suggestion.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Sujit Pal <> wrote:

> Hi Vipul,
> I saw the same issue when trying to expose an embedded Neo4j database
> (plus some other things) via a Spring webapp.
> *"Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to lock store
> [\neo4j\db\project\graph-project\neostore], this is usually a result of
> some other Neo4j kernel** running using the same store." *
> The problem was that I was trying to instantiate the
> GraphDatabaseService from two components with a new().
> I ended up building a factory that instantiates a singleton and returns
> a reference to the same GraphDatabaseService using a getInstance()
> method to all the components that need a handle to it.
> In my spring config I declare the bean containing the
> GraphDatabaseService (nodeService) like so:
>  <bean id="nodeService" class="...NodeServiceFactory"
>    factory-method="getInstance" destroy-method="destroy"/>
> where the NodeServiceFactory exposes 2 static methods getInstance() that
> returns the singleton reference and destroy which closes the reference
> on application shutdown.
> In the app, where I was doing a nodeService = new NodeService(), I
> replaced with nodeService = NodeService.getInstance().
> -sujit
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