Hi Aseem,

> how to return a meaningful subset of traverse results instead of all
> results. Having a paged traverser doesn't help at all if you can neither
> specify the order nor know what the default ordering is based on (I asked a
> while back and was told it's unspecified). (And again, by "order" here I
> mean beyond just "breadth first".)

To be fair you wouldn't get this by default in Java either. You traverse from a 
starting node and the order of nodes/rels you get back is largely determined by 
the graph structure.

If you really want to precisely determine the ordering of return elements, then 
you'd have to write very strict imperative code against the core API.

But there have been some interesting threads/issues flagged around providing 
depth information with returned results in the last couple of days. I'm gonna 
throw those in the community dev backlog.

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