Hi Everyone,

Here are the events organized for this week. If you have any questions
regarding participation, feel free to email me at alli...@neotechnology.com
*LONDON Keynote: Ian Robinson presents @Progressive .NET Tutorials*
Wednesday, 7 September @ 09:30 - 13:20 GMT

This hands-on tutorial will introduce you to building RESTful web services
using the new Microsoft Web APIs (http://wcf.codeplex.com). Over the course
of several exercises, we'll develop a simple Fighting Fantasy service for
machines to play when they're not busy running your business applications.
The tutorial's mixture of theory and practice will cover:
- Resource design and development
- Test-driven server- and client-side development
- The Atom Syndication Format
- Caching
- Hypermedia


*BAY AREA Meetup: Spring Data & Neo4j*
Wednesday, 7 September @ 19:00 PDT

Join us for an introduction to Spring Data, with a special emphasis on
Spring Data Neo4j. We'll get you started with this exciting new technology,
then take a deeper dive into how you can make the magic happen with Neo4j.


*WEBINAR: Getting Started with Spring Data Graph*
Thursday, 8 September @ 10:00-11:00 PDT

The Spring Data project makes it easier to build Spring-powered applications
that use new data access technologies such as non-relational NOSQL
databases, cloud based data services, and graph databases.

This webinar is designed for enterprise developers who are working with
Spring and need to understand if they can benefit from a graph database. The
session will introduce the different types of data management offered in
Spring Data, including graph databases, and will show how easy it is to get
started with the Spring Data Graph project.


*São Paulo Workshop: A Programmatic Introduction to Neo4j *@ QCon 2011
Saturday, 10 September @ 9:00 - 17:00 BRT

This tutorial covers the core functionality from the Neo4j graph database,
providing a mixture of theory and accompanying practical sessions to
demonstrate the capabilities of graph data and the Neo4j database.


*São Paulo Presentation: by Adriano Almeida @ QCon 2011 *
Saturday, 10 September @ 13:00 BRT


*Allison Sparrow* *
**Marketing Manager | Neo Technology*
+19499036091 | @ayeeson <http://twitter.com/#%21/ayeeson>

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