I think this falls into the category of "best to try it".  I would simulate a 
couple million items and see what kind of performance you get in both scenarios.

-----Original Message-----
From: user-boun...@lists.neo4j.org [mailto:user-boun...@lists.neo4j.org] On 
Behalf Of Aseem Kishore
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 3:41 PM
To: Neo4j user discussions
Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Recommended way to index and lookup paired properties

Can anyone help w/ this question? =) Thanks!


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Aseem Kishore <aseem.kish...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey guys, quick question on indexing.
> We track Amazon products in our db, and the way Amazon identifies its
> products is with an Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). The only
> catch is that ASINs are only unique within a particular locale, and Amazon
> has a few different locales (e.g. us, uk, de, jp, etc.).
> Because of this, when we index and lookup Amazon products, we need to index
> and lookup with *both* properties together. E.g. we really want to index the
> pair.
> As such -- and because we use Neo4j's auto-indexing -- we created a shadow
> "locale+asin" property that sits alongside the regular "locale" and "asin"
> properties, and it's a concatenation of the two values,
> e.g. "us+A123456789". We thus index and perform lookups via this shadow
> property.
> Recently, though, I saw that you can query even "exact" indexes with
> complex Lucene syntax, so in theory, we could ditch the shadow property and
> query something like "(locale:us AND asin:A123456789)". Will this be slower
> though, if there many items w/ the same locale?
> Generalizing, then, which of these two routes is the recommended way of
> indexing paired properties? (Or is there a third way?) Thanks!
> Aseem
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