
I had mentioned in a previous thread that I was working on introducing a
NodeCollection interface to remove the dependency from IndexedRelationship
to SortedTree.  I have an initial cut of this up now in my github repo:

It would be great to get community feedback on this as I think that having a
well designed and common NodeCollection interface would help for multiple
use cases, e.g. sortedTreeNodeCollection.addAll(linkedListNodeCollection)
doing exactly what you think it would.

IndexedRelationship now takes a node to index relationships from, a
relationship type, and a direction, as well as a NodeCollection at creation
time.  As in the unit tests this then leads to:

Node indexedNode = graphDb().createNode();
SortedTree st = new SortedTree( graphDb(), graphDb().createNode(), new
IdComparator(), true, RelTypes.INDEXED_RELATIONSHIP.name() );

IndexedRelationship ir = new IndexedRelationship( indexedNode,

To create the IndexedRelationship.  To later add nodes to the relationship
you need to create an instance of IndexedRelationship without the

IndexedRelationship ir = new IndexedRelationship( indexedNode,

What this means from a NodeCollection implementation point of view is that
firstly it needs to use the NodeCollection.RelationshipType.VALUE
relationship to connect from its internal data structure to the nodes being
added to the collection, and it needs to be able to recreate itself from a
base node that is passed into a constructor (that only takes the base node).
 A node collection also needs to store its class name on the base node for
later construction purposes, as well as any other data required to recreate
the NodeCollection instance (in the case of SortedTree this is the
comparator class, the tree name, and whether it is a unique index.

Niels, you may want to have a good look over SortedTree, I have made a few
changes to it, mainly around introduction of a base node, and changing of
the end value relationships.  This could be cleaned up better, but I wanted
to start with minimal changes.

Both IndexedRelationship and IndexedRelationshipExpander have no
dependencies on SortedTree now, and should work with any properly
implemented NodeCollection.  I will be putting together a paged linked list
NodeCollection next to try this.

Some future thoughts for NodeCollection, addition of as many of the
java.util.Collection methods (e.g. addAll, removeAll, retainAll, contains,
containsAll) as well as an abstract base NodeCollection to help provide
non-optimised support for these methods.

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