Hi Everyone,

We have a bunch of great events coming up in October. Check it out below.

We are adding more events on the regular, so be sure to check back at
http://plancast.com/neo4j for updates throughout the month. If you have any
questions regarding participation, feel free to email me at

*WEBINAR: Getting Started with Neo4j*
Thursday, 6 October @10:00 PDT

Neo4j is the world's leading graph database, storing data in the nodes
and relationships of a graph. The most generic of data structures, a
graph elegantly represents any kind of data, preserving the natural
structure of the domain.

This webinar is designed to help developers achieve a fast start with
Neo4j.. There are no pre-requisites. Join this webinar to learn:

* basic graph concepts
* modeling data in a graph
* querying a graph

Register:  www1.gotomeeting.com/register/346898984

System Requirements

PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

*Århus (Denmark) Presentation | The Web as Platform*
Tuesday, 11 October 2011 @10:20 - 11:10 CEST

The Web is now firmly established as the world's largest distributed
application platform. In supporting today's most innovative businesses, a
new breed of Web APIs is making content and services available for
consumption and composition in ways that take advantage of the Web's
architecture and proven capabilities. In this talk I'll summarise the path
we've taken in recent years - from building applications *behind* the Web
through to the emerging practice of building applications, services and APIs
*of *the Web - before introducing some of the most important and successful
strategies for building software on this platform.


*Århus (Denmark) Presentation | Modeling with Graphs*
Wednesday, 12 October 2011 @15:50 - 16:40 CEST

Neo4j is a powerful and expressive tool for storing, querying and
manipulating data. However modelling data as graphs is quite different from
modelling data under with relational databases. In this talk we’ll cover
modelling business domains using graphs and show how they can be persisted
and queried in the popular open source graph database Neo4j. We'll contrast
this approach with the relational model, and discuss the impact on
complexity, flexibility and performance. We'll also discuss strategies for
deciding how to proceed when a graph allows multiple ways to represent the
same concept, and explain the trade-offs involved. As a side-effect, we'll
examine some of the new tools for how to query graph data in Neo4j, and
discuss architectures for using Neo4j in enterprise applications.


*Amsterdam Presentation | A Rapid Introduction to Neo4j*
Friday, 14 October 2011 | 11:30 - 12:20 CEST

Graph databases like Neo4j are an esoteric and powerful member of the NOSQL
family. For highly connected data, graph databases can be thousands of times
faster than relational databases, making Neo4j popular for managing complex
data across many domains from finance to social, and telecoms to geospatial.
This intensive one-day Neo4J tutorial provides a mixture of theory and
hands-on practical sessions to demonstrate the capabilities of graph data
and the Neo4j database.


*Amsterdam Workshop | Neo4j Tutorial*
Saturday, 15 October 2011 | 09:00 - 16:00 CEST

Graph databases like Neo4j are an esoteric and powerful member of the NOSQL
family. For highly connected data, graph databases can be thousands of times
faster than relational databases, making Neo4j popular for managing complex
data across many domains from finance to social, and telecoms to geospatial.
This intensive one-day Neo4J tutorial provides a mixture of theory and
hands-on practical sessions to demonstrate the capabilities of graph data
and the Neo4j database.

*Saxony (Germany) Conference Talk | Neo4j @JUG
*Thursday, 20 October 2011* *

Michael Hunger discusses graph database neo4j at the Saxony JUG meeting.

*Chicago Session | Spring Data Neo4j *
25-28 October, 2011

Presentation by Michael Hunger

Spring Data Graph is an integration library for the open source graph
database Neo4j and has been around for over a year, evolving from its
infancy as brainchild of Rod Johnson and Emil Eifrem. It supports
transparent AspectJ based POJO to Graph Mapping, a Neo4jTemplate API and
extensive support for Spring Data Repositories. It can work with an embedded
graph database or with the standalone Neo4j Server.


*London Workshop | REST in Practice*
Monday, 31 October 2011 |  9:00 - 17:00 GMT

The Web is fast becoming a serious competitor to traditional enterprise
architecture approaches. This full day workshop will provide an introduction
to RESTful Web Service techniques, both from a theoretical and practical



*Allison Sparrow* *
**Marketing Manager | Neo Technology*
+19499036091 | @ayeeson <http://twitter.com/#%21/ayeeson>
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