Thanks for the great feedback. Glad that you use SDN even for your complex 
domain, I love the challenges provided with that.

One way of handling different types of "use-cases" per node is to use 
projection. So per context you have different types with attributes and 
behaviour that is just relevant for the context.

Regarding your use of interfaces, of course we could support using interfaces 
as target types for relationships and start/end nodes, implementation wise it 
would either be dynamic proxies, cglib or some AJ magic. 

The only issue I see here is that besides getters/setters for the attributes 
you would also want to have actual implementation / behaviour that would have 
been implemented somewhere (and then delegated to). E.g. in a inner class of 
the interface which is then initialized with the concrete instance of the 
node-backed interface(s) implementations. Had some interesting discussions with 
Oliver Gierke from VMware how one could use generics and the "&" operator to 
define interface mixin composition. But the interface stuff won't be in there 
for 2.0.

Regarding Nodebacked - as the core changed to work on just annotated entities 
without any AJ I changed the target type of almost all operations to be just 
"Object", It could be that some of the methods would benefit from generics, 
didn't look through that.

Regarding your editor/POJO - that would be solved by the fetch/load strategy on 
load or detach and by the save operation. Those entities should then also be 
serializable so that they are no longer actively connected in the graph.

A question - is your meta-model also stored in the graph? If you there could be 
interesting relationships between elements of the model and meta-model to be 

Regarding the specification of subgraph models. I agree a interface based 
approach would be interesting. OTOH  having a DSL for defining those subgraphs 
would probably be even more compelling. After all you should be able to 
transform the one into the other and vice versa. That's something where .net's 
LINQ and the dynamic types derived from such a query shine.

For "dynamic" content you would have (as you did) either implement 
field-acessors to store them fine grained in the graph for further processing 
or just provide a Spring Converter that converts your documents into json 
structures which would be stored as strings. There are plans to support such 
structures natively in Neo4j but no definitive planning for those features.

Regarding the traversals and converting entity path, there is a Evaluator that 
provides you with an EntityPath. But your're right, the GDC should be passed 
in, can you create a JIRA item for that?

I tried to document all the user facing parts of the API, so if there's 
something missing please let me know. You can also ping me on skype.

Regarding loading stragegies. #1 and #2 will be there, for the others there 
won't be enough time before SpringOne. I also like #6, probably with the 
interface base graph definition it will be less effort to define them.

Thanks for the heads up and your contributions.


Am 05.10.2011 um 23:38 schrieb Jean-Pierre Bergamin:

> Hello everyone
> I'm really glad to see that SDG or SDN (as it will be called on from
> now on) is actively maintained and that new ideas are followed to
> solve the day to day "problems" when working with graphs. I'm not
> really sad to hear that the AspectJ mapping will not be in main focus
> for the future. Working with AspectJ can be really cumbersome and
> error prone. And I personally don't like the active record pattern for
> enterprise applications anyway, because it ties the database state
> directly to your domain object. But this may be a matter of taste
> also...
> Interestingly enough we just had many internal discussions these days
> how to model our domain and how spring data neo4j will be used to
> implement it. Let me describe the challenges we have/had while working
> with Neo4j and SDN:
> "Multiple inheritance"
> ------------------------------
> Our domain model is quite complex and entities can play many different
> roles in a graph and therefore they can have many different
> relationships to many other entities of different types. Some entity
> types can be the starting- *and* end-point of some relationships,
> whereas other types only can be a start- *or* end-point for certain
> relationships and so on. Let me show a very, very simplified example:
> Having three entity types Service, Device and Process (among many
> others), there are the following valid relationships:
> (Service)---[DEPENDS_ON]--->(Service)
> (Service)---[DEPENDS_ON]--->(Device)
> (Process)---[DEPENDS_ON]--->(Service)
> (Service)---[HAS_FLOW_TO]--->(Service)
> (Service)---[HAS_FLOW_TO]--->(Device)
> (Device)---[HAS_FLOW_TO]--->(Service)
> (Device)---[HAS_FLOW_TO]--->(Device)
> Such a model is unrepresentable with a class hierarchy in Java's
> single inheritance approach. Classes in such a tree like hierarchy
> cannot take so many different roles. It requires interfaces to model
> the various roles an entity can play. The entity class can then
> implement many interfaces as roles (~ "multiple inheritance").
> We ended up defining one interface per start- and one per end-node for
> each relationship (role):
> (IDepender)---[DEPENDS_ON]--->(IDependee)
> (IDataProvider)---[HAS_FLOW_TO]--->(IDataConsumer)
> The interface define the allowed operations:
> interface IDepender {
>    DependsOnRelationship dependsOn(IDependee dependee);
> }
> The actual entity interface we use in client code then extends all
> these interfaces (roles).
> interface IService extends IDepender, IDependee, IDataProvider, IDataConsumer
> interface IDevice extends IDependee, IDataProvider, IDataConsumer
> interface IProcess extends IDepender
> The node entity classes then implements this entity interface.
> @NodeEntity class Service implements IService { ... }
> @NodeEntity class Device implements IDevice { ... }
> @NodeEntity class Process implements IProcess { ... }
> This works quite well, but does not fit very well into the SDN
> concept. How would i.e. the DEPENDS_ON Relationship be declared?
> Maybe...
> @RelationshipEntity
> class DependsOnRelationship {
>    @StartNode
>    private IDepender start;
>    @EndNode
>    private IDependee end;
> }
> This unfortunately is not possible, because concrete NodeBacked
> classes are expected as @StartNode and @EndNode here. Since there is
> no way to define base classes for all the start- and end-points for
> all relationships in a complex model, it becomes impossible to have a
> type-safe declaration here. We ended up defining a common base class
> for all entities (class BaseEntity) and use this when SDN is requiring
> a NodeBacked class:
> @NodeEntity class BaseEntity {}
> @NodeEntity class Service extends BaseEntity implements IService { ... }
> ...
> @RelationshipEntity
> class DependsOnRelationship {
>    @StartNode
>    private BaseEntity start;
>    @EndNode
>    private BaseEntity end;
>    public IDepender start() { return (IDepender)start; }
>    public IDependee end() { return (IDependee)end; }
> }
> But this is not strictly type safe and does not "describe" what the
> start and endpoint of a DependsOnRelationship can be.
> Pojos
> -----------------------------------------
> We have a graphical editor that allows the user to design a data flow
> graphically. The editor has its own model to read and store this "flow
> model" the user is drawing. When a flow model is loaded, we have to
> extract a sub-graph from the neo4j DB and convert it to the editor's
> format. When the user saves the flow model, we convert it back,
> compare it with the DB and save the changes. What sounds really simple
> is actually quite complex. Because the @NodeEntity classes are no
> POJOs but directly wired to the DB, we cannot use them to store an in
> memory representation of the flow model we get from the editor for
> further comparison with the DB. We had to introduce POJO
> implementations for all our entity types. So it would be very helpful
> to have POJOs as entity types so that they also can "live" without a
> database representation.
> Subgraphs/use-cases/schema
> -----------------------------------------
> As you mentioned in your possible loading strategies, it would be very
> helpful if the graph model could be described somehow. Although this
> collides with the idea of a "schema-free" database which neo4j is,
> having a schema would make working with static languages like java
> much more comfortable. What I really would like to see is a way to
> express the model with interfaces which would give one the highest
> flexibility. What the description of the model could be can be
> discussed (TraversalDescriptions, queries, some schema definition DSL,
> etc.)
> Fetching and esp updating subgraphs would be just too wonderful...
> Dynamic content
> -----------------------------------------
> A way to dynamically store "any" content in a node would come in
> handy. What if you could just store i.e. a JSON document instead of
> single properties? :-o
> Tell me if there already is such a feature request for neo4j itself -
> otherwise i'll create one immediately.
> Traversals
> -----------------------------------------
> Working with traversals is a bit cumbersome. Using the @GraphTraversal
> method only allows very simple traversals out-of-the-box. When an
> evaluator is needed that decides on the info of the actually traversed
> path, this neo4j path must be converted with ConvertingEntityPath.
> Doing this requires a GraphDatabaseContext, which is not available in
> an entity, because it is declared private in the aspect. So one has to
> annotate the entity with @Configurable to be able to autowire the
> GraphDatabaseContext.
> The repositories also could provide move flexible traversal methods.
> Javadoc
> -----------------------------------------
> I like the "Good Relationships" tutorial and reference guide. It gives
> a very good introduction. But for the daily work one needs up-to-date
> javadoc - which is honestly missing in some parts of the project. So
> there's room for improvement in this area... :-P
> Regarding your loading strategies:
>> #1 static declarations on @RelatedTo* annotations (like in JPA) -> don't 
>> like b/c of context ignorance
> I think this is what people will expect and maybe understand best.
> Simple models can be cluttered together very easily with such an
> approach.
>> #2 dynamic programatic fetching within the session context (by navigating 
>> the required relationships)
> A method to programatically traverse and navigate through the graph
> must be provided anyway. This is fundamental.
>> #3 use-case specific fetch-groups, declarative (w/ annotations) + 
>> use-case/fetch-group name as context when loading (would be also possible 
>> with repository annotations)
>> #4 use-case specific fetch groups that are "auto-learned" by the 
>> infrastructure when the user navigates relationshiops manually and then are 
>> stored as meta information so that at the next fetch with that use-case 
>> pre-fetches the data
>> #5 declare/define fetch-groups as cypher-queries or traversals (which might 
>> also be the "metadata" for #4)
> This sounds promising, but it could be very hard for the user to
> define a model in such a way. If an approach like this is implemented,
> there must be some easy DSL that can be used to describe the
> fetch-groups/use-cases. I don't know if it's e.g. feasible to have
> such quite complex information in annotations (#3).
> Do you maybe know apache's Camel? It has a very, very intuitive DSL to
> define "communication routes" in java code. I could imagine having a
> DSL like that to describe traversals and maybe even to describe a
> schema that defines which entities connect over which relationship to
> which other entities. You surely know tinkerpop's Pipes... We make its
> DSL typed and here we go... :-)
>> #6 have a use-case specific version of the domain objects that just contain 
>> the subgraph that the use-case is interested in and no outgoing 
>> relationships elsewhere (aka. DDD aggregate) then the infrastructure can 
>> fetch this whole subgraph and return it, with the projection abilities the 
>> entities can still be projected to other types (and the fetch-group-subgraph 
>> could probably used within the domain model to define 
>> mapping-contexts/boundaries (DDD again).
> Where's the "+1000" or the "I like this very much" Button? :-D
> There is plenty of room for discussion though...
> But anyway. Keep up the good work. We will be glad seeing version
> 2.0.0 solving all our graph problems. :-D
> Best regards
> James
> 2011/10/4 Michael Hunger <>:
>> Hi,
>> I just wanted to share the news around the next version of the Spring Data 
>> Neo4j project with you.
>> First of all - the library will be renamed to Spring Data Neo4j and the next 
>> release will be version 2.0
>> due to the many breaking changes and new approaches. The new github 
>> repository can be found at
>> the old one will stay around for a while (as there are some forks and 
>> watchers) and point to the new one.
>> We plan to release a milestone around the end of the week and the release 
>> candidate in time for Spring One.
>> We've gotten a lot of feedback and some contribution to the library - thank 
>> you all for that.
>> From the feedback we've seen that many people are not comfortable using full 
>> blown AspectJ to handle their
>> mapping. So we've decided to expand the approach - the AspectJ mapping will 
>> be available as separate library
>> but the main Spring Data Neo4j project will use a mapping that is more in 
>> line with the other Spring Data
>> projects using the mapping facilities from Spring Data Commons.
>> The project will be split into separate parts:
>> * spring-data-neo4j - contains all the core code, annotations, template, 
>> repository support and Spring Data Commons Mapping based persistence
>> * spring-data-neo4j-aspects - contains the aspects for the field 
>> interception and the Active Record like method introduction as separate mixin
>> * spring-data-neo4j-cross-store - contains additional handling for JPA (and 
>> other) cross store implementations
>> * spring-data-neo4j-rest - will use the neo4j-java-rest-binding and provide 
>> a thin integration layer for Spring Data Neo4j
>> Some features that we're currently discussing / are going to address:
>> * provide complete object-graph persistence based on spring-data-commons 
>> mapping
>> * direct-field access mapping (using AJ) will probably limited to tx-scope
>> * remove current lifecycle handling in favor to an explict detach operation 
>> that uses one of the strategies outlined below
>> * examples will be included in the library and always up to date
>> * REST Batch Mode
>> * extensive documentation updates
>> * a version of the cineasts tutorial to work against REST server
>> * address open jira issues like multiple same type relationships, traversal 
>> results, serialization, type-identifier-indirection
>> * much more
>> Planned:
>> * Cypher DSL + Query-DSL support
>> * derived finder support
>> I'm still discussing a important issue for the mapping - namely loading 
>> strategies. So far I have about 5-6 ways to think about none of which I 
>> think is the best fit, so getting input on this would be great too.
>> #1 static declarations on @RelatedTo* annotations (like in JPA) -> don't 
>> like b/c of context ignorance
>> #2 dynamic programatic fetching within the session context (by navigating 
>> the required relationships)
>> #3 use-case specific fetch-groups, declarative (w/ annotations) + 
>> use-case/fetch-group name as context when loading (would be also possible 
>> with repository annotations)
>> #4 use-case specific fetch groups that are "auto-learned" by the 
>> infrastructure when the user navigates relationshiops manually and then are 
>> stored as meta information so that at the next fetch with that use-case 
>> pre-fetches the data
>> #5 declare/define fetch-groups as cypher-queries or traversals (which might 
>> also be the "metadata" for #4)
>> #6 have a use-case specific version of the domain objects that just contain 
>> the subgraph that the use-case is interested in and no outgoing 
>> relationships elsewhere (aka. DDD aggregate) then the infrastructure can 
>> fetch this whole subgraph and return it, with the projection abilities the 
>> entities can still be projected to other types (and the fetch-group-subgraph 
>> could probably used within the domain model to define 
>> mapping-contexts/boundaries (DDD again).
>> Paradox of choice as always. I'd prefer either something like 5 as the 
>> advanced version or #6 as type safe explicit one. But probably something 
>> simpler for the start would be more sensible.
>> Looking forward to your feedback for this roadmap and any helpful input you 
>> can provide.
>> Thanks
>> Michael
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