
can you narrow it down to a simpler operation, like just a division?

Perhaps in the conversion from the division result (be it Float, Double, 
BigDecimal) to
JSON something goes awry.

In the GremlinPlugin the code for that is:

} else if (result instanceof Double || result instanceof Float) {
            return ValueRepresentation.number(((Number) result).doubleValue());

I'm not sure what datatype groovy creates as result of your operation, perhaps 
you can determine that as well.

If we have a simple gremlin / groovy calculation that yields the wrong results, 
we can easily inspect and fix the plugin.

Thanks a lot


Am 07.11.2011 um 11:12 schrieb Jeroen van Dijk:

> Hi all,
> I'm using Gremlin to perform a recommendation query. Locally in the gremlin
> shell I get amazingly useful results. However when I use the webadmin
> gremlin console I get different results, both locally and in the Heroku
> addon environment. I get the same wrong results when I use the rest
> interface, so I assume something is incorrect in the Gremlin REST
> interface. In all these cases the data is the same or on the same database.
> The gremlin query is below (it is own of my first so probably not the most
> efficient). It returns the top 10 list of most similar items according to
> the Jaccard similarity index (= (Intersection(A, B) / Union(A, B) ):
> node = g.v(14260); m = [:].withDefault{0.0}; a_total = node.inE().count();
>'owns').sideEffect{union = a_total +
> it.inE().count()}.groupCount(m) { it }{ it += (1/(union)) } >> -1;
> m.sort{a,b -> b.value <=> a.value}[0..9]
> When I do the following locally everything is fine:
>    gremlin> g = new
> Neo4jGraph('/usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/community-1.4/libexec/data/graph.db')
>    ==>neo4jgraph[EmbeddedGraphDatabase
> [/usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/community-1.4/libexec/data/graph.db]]
>    gremlin> node = g.v(14260); m = [:].withDefault{0.0}; a_total =
> node.inE().count();'owns').sideEffect{union = a_total +
> it.inE().count()}.groupCount(m) { it }{ it += (1/(union)) } >> -1;
> m.sort{a,b -> b.value <=> a.value}[0..9]
>    ==>v[14260]=0.5000000013
>    ==>v[12974]=0.1014492752
>    ==>v[12349]=0.0952380952
>    ==>v[12082]=0.0833333332
>    ==>v[15434]=0.0810810810
>    ==>v[11237]=0.0810810810
>    ==>v[17672]=0.0769230768
>    ==>v[18338]=0.0769230768
>    ==>v[12852]=0.0769230768
>    ==>v[11969]=0.075
>    gremlin>
> However when I repeat this using the webadmin console interface I get the
> following results:
>    gremlin> node = g.v(14260); m = [:].withDefault{0.0}; a_total =
> node.inE().count();'owns').sideEffect{union = a_total +
> it.inE().count()}.groupCount(m) { it }{ it += (1/(union)) } >> -1;
> m.sort{a,b -> b.value <=> a.value}[0..9]
>    ==> v[14260]=31.0
>    ==> v[9204]=30.0
>    ==> v[8958]=29.0
>    ==> v[15763]=22.0
>    ==> v[13906]=22.0
>    ==> v[18477]=21.0
>    ==> v[9081]=20.0
>    ==> v[9019]=19.0
>    ==> v[9074]=18.0
>    ==> v[9066]=18.0
> The values of a Jaccard Index should never be above 1 so something is
> clearly wrong. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Jeroen
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