It's interesting how he disliked XFN (or any standards) because of the
rigidity of the relationship types, obviously we can have as many
relationship types as we want in Neo4j (last I remember performance drops at
around 10k right?)

One of the things the blog post talked about modeling Time and Strength of
the relationships.

In Neo4j, Relationships have properties, but they also have a "type" (IS_A,
FOLLOWS, FRIENDS) and direction. which feel like "super properties" since we
can get to them before reaching into the properties data.

Mattias Persson-2 wrote:
> Also, support for these heavy nodes with many relationships on them is 
> being worked some on so that you can get relationship count per 
> type/direction immediately instead of iterating over them, as well as only 
> loading relevant relationships instead of all. 

If the storage of relationships is being tweaked, is there a possibility we
can add a datetime and and a float "super properties"  (dated and measured)? 
This would give us a way to model Time and Strength in the graph without
having to dig into properties.  Obviously we could do these as regular
properties, my concern is with performance.

maciej wrote:
> "No problem," says Poindexter. "We'll add a time series of state
> transitions and exponentially decaying edge weights, model group dynamics
> as directional flows, and pass a context object in with each query..." and
> around we go.

Ha!  Anyway, just throwing that out there.

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