Warming up the graph is best done by warming up the graph, so to speak.
Every warmup use case is different, and for warming up the entire graph
you'll have to loop through all nodes and get their relationships and if
you'd like to have properties in there too then load them also. The most
basic being:

for ( Node node : db.getAllNodes() ) {
   IteratorUtil.count( node.getRelationships() );

Or in 1.6.M01 you can do:

for ( Node node : GlobalGraphOperations.at( db ).getAllNodes() );
for ( Relationship rel : GlobalGraphOperations.at( db
).getAllRelationships() );

pro here is that reading the store sequentially (0-max) is faster than
random access. But the list of relationships each node have isn't loaded
this way, only the relationships themselves. I don't know which one ends up
the best for you.

2011/12/5 Ian Forsey <for...@gmail.com>

> Hi there,
> I'm looking to get my entire graph into memory.
> I've configured the file buffer cache, but nodes/rels don't get added into
> the cache until I first query them. Is it just a case of traversing the
> entire graph to warm-up the cache on application startup? Or is there
> another way to tell neo4j to load the entire graph into memory on start up?
> Thanks
> Ian
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