

I'm new in Livy, and I have this problem.


When I run a batch job like this:

curl -X POST --data '{"file": "/user/spark/program.jar", "className": 
"my.program"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" LIVY-HOST:8998/batches


The program keeps runing for ever.

Searching in the logs I found the reason:


17/07/25 14:21:46 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space


So in order to solve this issue I increased the executor and driver memory: 
"driverMemory":"15g","executorMemory":"15g". But I still seen this error.



So I tried running this job directly  using spark-submit and it worked 
perfectly, no memory error.


spark-submit --class my.program  --deploy-mode cluster --conf spark.master=yarn 


I'm using Livy 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT on Spark 2.1.0. 



Joaquín Silva | Pentagon Security & AKAINIX

Av. Kennedy 4.700, Piso 10, Of. 1002, Edificio New Century, Vitacura | Código 
Postal (ZIP Code) 7561127

Cel: (56-9) 6304 2498 


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