We'd like Hadoop to map user names to short names.

For auth_to_local to work, @realm part is mandatory.

For example, Apache Knox if authenticates users using LDAP,
and then sends requests over to Livy, doesn't append realm.
Obviously LDAP, PAM etc authentications don't have kerberos
realms there.

Is there is a way for append realm in Livy, before it sends
those requests over to Spark / Hadoop?

It seems we could duplicate rules from Hadoop's auth_to_local
using `livy.server.auth.kerberos.name_rules` but it doesn't work
for the same reason (kerberos rules requires realm to be present).

Also created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LIVY-548

Thank you for any ideas.

Ruslan Dautkhanov

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