Marvin, Nick, others with more Lucy-fu than I possess:

The example below is failing. I have created a similar test case to create a PR but am having trouble running tests within my local git checkout at the moment.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
use Lucy;

package MyAnalyzer {
    use base qw( Lucy::Analysis::Analyzer );
    sub transform { $_[1] }

package main;

use Lucy::Plan::Schema;
use Lucy::Plan::FullTextType;
use Lucy::Index::Indexer;

my $path_to_index = shift(@ARGV) or die "usage: $0 path/to/index";

for my $try ( ( 1 .. 3 ) ) {
    my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;

    my $my_analyzer = MyAnalyzer->new();

    my $raw_type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType->new( analyzer => $my_analyzer, );

    $schema->spec_field( name => 'body', type => $raw_type );

    my $indexer = Lucy::Index::Indexer->new(
        index  => $path_to_index,
        schema => $schema,
        create => 1,

    my $doc = { body => 'test' };


    say "finished $try";

Example above ^^ based on the gist below.

Hao Wu wrote on 2/20/17 11:40 PM:
Hi Peter,

Thanks for spending time in the script.

I clean it up a bit, so there is no dependency now.

still do not work.

Peter Karman  .  .

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