
The "Advanced" thing that can be expanded from all pages of the New
Maven project wizard, and the same for the Import Maven project

(It opens the panes for "Resolve Workspace projects", "Separate
projects for modules", "Profiles" and "Name template")

However, it seems that if I make a selection for "Name template" on
the earlier steps in the wizard those choices are forgotten when I
come to the end. For instance, I created a new project and selected my
dear [groupId]-[artifactId] name template. On the next screen I filled
in the groupID and so on, but as my project was created it seems to
have used only [artifactId] as the name template.

Also if you expand the Advanced later in the wizard it's all cleared
out to blank values in the "Name template" field - although the other
checkboxes and the Profile field seems to propagate between the steps.

Why is this panel there on all steps of the wizard at all? Every time
I go through I open it on the second and third pane to see what
advanced settings I can do, just to discover it's the same as I have
already done on the first pane. Isn't this a wizard?

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

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