On 10/27/2008 8:11 AM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
>> On 10/22/2008 10:26 PM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
>>>> So, if there's a way to automatically derive the Maven coordinate
>>>> from a
>>>> plugin
>>>> reference, that would solve the problem :-)
>>> Very good question! I've been struggling with this problem for some time
>>> but could not come up with a good generic solution. In my opinion, usable
>>> solution would have to deal with at least this problems/usage scenarios.
>>> 1. There are many more ways to express dependencies in OSGi compared to
>>> maven, Import-Package, DynamicImport-Package, Import-Service and
>>> Eclipse-GenericRequire cannot be expressed in maven terms, afaict.
>> When mapping the referenced plugin name onto artifactId, the plugin
>> onto the Maven version, the missing piece is the groupId.  I'd enhance the
>> dependency element (in a dependencyManagement section) to allow for
>> wildcards, then one could say something like
>>    <dependency>
>>       <groupId>org.myorg</groupId>
>>       <artifactId>*</artifactId>
>>       <version>*</version>
>>       <type>eclipse-plugin</type>
>>    </dependency>
>> Which would say that each actual, matching dependency would use
>> as groupId.
>> Maybe to not go into full regexps, one could use a slightly simpler
>> approach, allowing to omit certain elements from a dependency, having the
>> same semantics as above:
>>    <dependency>
>>       <groupId>org.myorg</groupId>
>>       <type>eclipse-plugin</type>
>>    </dependency>
>> I could image that such a generalization of the dependencyManagement
>> can be useful even outside of Tycho, whereever one wants to define
>> dependency details for many more concrete dependencies.
>>> 2. Even for Require-Bundle, it is common to either not specify version
>>> at all or specify open version range which makes it impossible to map
>>> such dependencies to maven, or in fact resolve them without context of
>>> specific target platform.
>> The suggested approach could also here be used to give the missing
>> information.
>>> 3. I am not sure how common this is, but at least for m2e, we want to be
>>> able to build/test with several eclipse versions (i.e., e32, e33,
>>> e34...). Again, this can only be achieved when target platform is
>>> defined separately.
>> Could this be achieved by having different POMs and the right one gets
>> selected through a property?
>>> So I see only three possible solutions that address all three scenarios.
>>> One is to specify build target platform explicitly. Another one is to
>>> only support Require-Bundle with specific version. And the last one is
>>> to push target platform management from the build to some external
>>> entity, like repository manager (imagine if you could point your build
>>> to a virtual repository that only contains needed artifacts and nothing
>>> else, for example).
>>> Do you see any other options?
>> I still think being able to map OSGi references onto Maven coordinates
>> be a powerful feature.
> To make sure I understand your suggestions.
> Currently, there are two resolution phases during tycho build. First,
> tycho resolves build target platform using maven coordinates from maven
> artifact repositories (feature dependnecies are transitive, bundle
> dependencies are not transitive). The result of target platform
> resolution is then fed to (real) OSGi resolver, that deals with various
> Eclipse/OSGi dependencies, like Import-Package or Eclipse-GenericRequire.
> Do you think this is a reasonable approach?
> You suggestions appear to apply to target platform resolution phase only
> (specifically, Eclipse/OSGi metadata is not checked at all). Is this
> correct?

Not really.  My suggestion would generalize the dependencyManagement section
more, making it more useful.

Currently the dependencyManagement section allows to define versions on
dependencies centrally such that a dependency in a child POM doesn't need to
specify a version string and inherits it instead from the parent POM.

Imagine this to work also for other child elements of <dependency> and not
for <version>.  For instance



The dependency would inherit the groupId and version, because the type
matches the dependency pattern.

I understand that such an enhancement might be a more long-term effort and
not fall into Tycho, although the suggestion would come handy when dealing
OSGi dependencies.


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