
I work with projects that have the following settings:
- maven based build, eclipse used as ide with latest m2eclipse
- Projects use Maven for junit tests in the src/test/... folder. In a
  parent.pom junit is defined as dependency with scope "test".
- Projects are OSGi-bundles / eclipse plugins. Inside Eclipse, these
  projects are configured with PDE-enabled.
- Eclipse workspace uses an own target-platform with all needed runtime
  bundles. The target-platform is build by "maven-eclipse- plugin"
  using goal "install-plugins". There is no "junit bundle" in the
  target platform.

Sometimes I have trouble with this combination.

1.)  Eclipse sometimes ignores the maven settings. In this case the
  packages contain some errors because junit-classes are not available
  for eclipse. The project settings "java Build Path" -> Libraries have
  no entry "maven dependencies". Looking at the .classpath file, I see
  this entry: <classpathentry kind="con"
  path="org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/> After
  refreshing and cleaning the project, restarting eclipse solves this
  errors, but I would like to avoid that.

2. With PDE and m2eclipse "workspace resolution" enabled I get this
   error: "Build path contains duplicate entry: <a project
   dependency>". So I have to disable the worspace resolution. Is it
   possible that m2eclipse determines that a project already is added to
   the build path?


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