Unfortunately, I know very little about IBM jazz and do not have access
to their code, so there is not much I can do to help.
One obvious problem is conflicting versions of OSGi org.eclipse.osgi jar
used by tycho and jazz. I am not sure if this caused the stack overflow,
but will likely be a problem on its own.
You can also try to narrow down the problem. For example, see if the
problem exists with vanilla maven 3.0 used by tycho [1] and latest
3.0-SNAPSHOT [2].
William Robinson wrote:
The modification of m2.conf is the standard method recommended by IBM for
including the necessary (ant and jazz) jars during a build. (See the forum
on www.jazz.net) This is done because of the way that maven is called from
the jazz build tool.
I supposed another means would be to put the same jars into the java class
path. However, I don't believe that that classpath is called by the IBM jazz
Igor Fedorenko-4 wrote:
I've modified the tycho config (m2.conf) to work with ant and IBM jazz:
load ${maven.home}/tycho/*.jar
load ${maven.home}/lib/*.jar
load ${maven.home}/antlib/*.jar
load ${maven.home}/buildtoolkit/*.jar
Then, I run a build and get an overview on
PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator.java:419 (repeated many times).
Any idea if this is a bug, or just user error?
What are you trying to achieve? You should not modify plexus.core
container (and m2.conf) unless you're adding new plexus components to
maven core. Everything else should be done using regular maven plugins.
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