
This is currently not supported by m2eclipse. More over, this info is not represented in the Maven's pom.xml, which makes this tricky to do it automatically.

Perhaps one option for m2eclipse would be to use .project and .classpath when importing Maven projects (including projects checked out from svn), then you could do that just once and we can preserve this setting when running "Maven / Update project" action.

 Do you have other ideas or suggestions how to deal with this issue?


stug23 wrote:
When using Sun's sun.misc.BASE64Decoder, Eclipse shows an error which
requires configuring an access rule via the Eclipse UI -- this ends up
creating an <accessrule/> tag in the Eclipse .classpath file as shown below.

How can I configure my pom.xml such that when checking out the related Maven
project from Subversion, this access rule will be added to the Eclipse
.classpath file without having to store the .classpath file in Subversion?

<classpathentry kind="con"
      <accessrule kind="accessible" pattern="sun/misc/**"/>

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