On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 6:39 AM, Stanley Xu <wenhao...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One more question, I am also trying to test the MixedGradient, it looks
> like the RankingGradient will take much more time than the DefaultGradient.

This is probably due to memory use.  You need to review which way you group

> If I set the alpha to 0.5, it will take 50 times of time comparing to the
> DefaultGradient, I thought it should be like that for the RankingGradient
> will do lots of Ranking comparison, and I heard that the algorithm is not
> sensitive to alpha, how would you suggest a alpha I should choose? I haven't
> found much material or suggestion about that.

The time should not change with alpha.

I have found that between .1 and .9, the results don't change a huge amount.

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