On 29 November 2011 16:11, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The deanonymization attacks depend on some aspect of the data being related
> to real-world events or products.  The attack on the netflix data depended
> on the movies being identified so that ratings could be correlated to
> ratings on other systems.
> If you blind product id's and user id's then none of the currently known
> attacks are likely to work.
> But I respect the limits you describe.  Caution is never such a bad thing
> in these matters.

+1 ... data leaks in expected ways. Random aside: in the Netherlands
currently, Albert Heijn, a major supermarket chain, give away key tags
with a loyalty barcode printed on them. If you enter the code from the
keytag (properly, your own; but maybe you see colleagues and friends
keyring from time to time...) into http://www.ah.nl/appie you get that
person's shopping history ordered by favourites, most recent
purchases. Although as Ted says this only unlocks half the puzzle, ...


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