I answered on SO:

The only thing I can think of that sounds like this problem is
PageRank. It's computed by a sort of iterative simluation. Each page
has some influence (color) which flows via its links (socks its washed
with) and at some point the page influence reaches a steady state
(final color). You can look up PageRank algorithms but it is
essentially a matter of calculating eigenvectors of a big, erm, sock
color matrix.

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Zoltán Tóth-Czifra <t...@tcz.hu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I posted this on stack overflow, but I've been informed that the mailing
> list is the appropriate forum to ask questions like this.
> What I need is actually just a hint where I can start, as I'm not sure
> which direction to go. Although this is not a classic machine learning
> problem, AFAIK Mahout is not only for those. I was thinking it's an
> appropriate tool, because I work with a large set of data and the output
> has similar characteristics than a classic Mahout job. I think a problem
> below can be implemented with MapReduce, but I don't know if there is any
> existing, similar algorithm. I need this to be scalable, that's why I think
> the Mahout on top of Hadoop's MapReduce power could be an appropriate
> solution.
> Quickly what I want to do is:
> The final goal is to define one scalar (a "score") of each one of a set of
> entities based on some "known" entities. The entities interact with each
> other, known scores influence and define the unknown ones. You can imagine
> with the following example.
> I have a lot if white clothes and a few pieces of colorful ones; red, blue,
> green... I put them into the washing machine. I want to know what colors
> the white ones will get after the wash.
> Things to take into account:
>   - we make a series of washing with different "actors"... some clothes
>   are washed in the 1st and 3rd washing, some of them only in the 2nd, some
>   of them are washed in all
>   - in consecutive washes the clothes that were white before but now
>   colored also influence the rest, but not as strong (as they are not as
>   colored)
>   - some colors don't "color" as much as others. for example red has a
>   strong effect on most of the clothes, but green not so much
>   - coloring effect also depends on how many clothes are in one washing.
>   If you wash a red shirt with a white t-shirt, it gets much more colored,
>   than if there were 100 other white t-shirt
>   - clothes don't "lose" their color when influencing others
> You can see that while calculating, entities actually have 2 assigned
> scalars:
>   - the color hue (this also defines "coloring power" as mentioned above).
>   The hue can be represented as a number, from 0 to 1, let's say. The
>   coherence between the coloring power and the color number is not linear. It
>   is more like the ends of the scale have more coloring power (0 and 1) while
>   the middle (0.5) has less
>   - the color "lightness" (how much an entity is colored, for originally
>   colored clothes it's 1, for white ones it's 0), which in the same time also
>   defines coloring power regardless of the hue
> So, again, what I know:
>   - which clothes where washed in which consecutive washing
>   - I know the original color of some of them, the rest is white in the
>   beginning
> What I want to know:
>   - the hue of all clothes in the end of the washing
> The problem is that I don't know what (type) of algorithm should I start
> with. If you were so kind to read so far, please suggest me something (or
> further reading).
> Obviously I don't ask for any detailed thing, again, only hints on the
> algorithm.
> Thank you!

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