The question really is what are some tried approaches to figure out how to 
measure the quality of a set of algorithms currently being used for 

And in thinking about this some more we also need to be able to regenerate 
models as soon as the business users tweak the weights associated with features 
inside a feature vector, we need to figure out a way to efficiently tie this 
into our online workflow which could show updated recommendations every few 

When I say picking an algorithm on the fly what I mean is that we need to 
continuously test our basket of algorithms based on a new set of training data 
and make the determination offline as to which of the algorithms to use at that 
moment to regenerate our recommendations.
> Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 14:08:17 -0500
> Subject: Re: Evalutation of recommenders
> From:
> To:
> Picking an algorithm 'on the fly' is almost surely not realistic --
> well, I am not sure what eval process you would run in milliseconds.
> But it's also unnecessary; you usually run evaluations offline on
> training/test data that reflects real input, and then, the resulting
> tuning should be fine for that real input that comes the next day.
> Is that really the question, or are you just asking about how you
> measure the quality of clustering or a classifier?
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Saikat Kanjilal <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,We're looking at building out some clustering and 
> > classification algorithms using mahout and one of the things we're also 
> > looking at doing is to build performance metrics around each of these 
> > algorithms, as we go down the path of choosing the best model in an 
> > iterative closed feedback loop (i.e. our business users manipulate weights 
> > for each attribute for our feature vectors->we use these changes to 
> > regenerate an asynchronous model using the appropriate 
> > clustering/classification algorithms and then replenish our online 
> > component with this newly recalculated data for fresh recommendations).   
> > So our end goal is to have a basket of algorithms and use a set of 
> > performance metrics to pick and choose the right algorithm on the fly.  I 
> > was wondering if anyone has done this type of analysis before and if so are 
> > there approaches that have worked well and approaches that haven't when it 
> > comes to measuring the "quality" of each of the recommendation algorithms.
> > Regards

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