Hi Amrhal,
combining data for a recommender from two data sources is current research. 
Search for ensemble learning or blending learners. Basically the combination of 
multiple learners is called blending. 
(http://pragmatictheory.blogspot.de/2008/07/blending-101.html). Blending 
different models is currently one of the most important features to get these 
great accuracy's like in the NetFlix Price or blending offline and online 
learning methods to do something in semi realtime (Fast Online Learning through 
Offline Initialization for Time-sensitive Recommendation - 

I recommend the chapter Combining Multiple Learners from Introduction to 
Machine Learning. 

As far as I know there are currently no ensemble or blending learners in 
Mahout. Here you find a block diagram how such a data model could look like:

In the block diagram you see 3 data source: explicit ratings, implicit views 
and explicit purchases. This data model should be optimized to sell as much 
products as possible. So a customer can interact in up to 3 ways with a product 
view it, rate it, and buy it. You could call these different contexts and then 
use different contexts for learning (see Workshop on Context-Aware Recommender 
Systems 2009/2010/2011). e.g. you could use Tensor Factorization etc.

Further you have to differentiate between the data model and the learner 
(recommender). I just describe how to make the learner more accurate and use 
data from different sources. If you just keep the same data for the same 
context in your Oracle database then it won't be very complicated to integrate 
it with the MySQL database.

Have a great week

On 30.04.2012, at 23:37, Amrhal Lelasm wrote:

> Thank you Sean but what I want is to combine the input data I'm getting from 
> two severs before feeding it to the recommender.It's more like appending the 
> data of 
> MySQLJDBCDataModel  with MyOracleJDBCDataModel(which I reckon I have to 
> implement) and then sorting the data from the two database servers and 
> finally giving it to the recommender engine.
>> Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 06:38:03 +0100
>> Subject: Re: integrating databases
>> From: sro...@gmail.com
>> To: user@mahout.apache.org
>> Can you connect to an Oracle database? sure, just do so. I think the
>> SQL just works, but you'll find out.
>> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 2:36 AM, Amrhal Lelasm <arm...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> I had a nice week playing with the Mahout CF Libray and its 
>>> MySQLJDBCDataModel to get the input data from  a database.
>>> But then this idea occurred to me. I have another sever with similar data 
>>> sets, which is running another database server, Oracle, namely.
>>> I'm wondering how I can combine these two to get the input data for my 
>>> recommender engine. Do, I start by implementing the the JDBCDataModel or ?
>>> I appreciate any insight you might have for this?

Manuel Blechschmidt
Dortustr. 57
14467 Potsdam
Mobil: 0173/6322621
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Manuel_B

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