Here's one I've been puzzling over for a bit. In a factorization based
on the SVD or what have you, you reconstruct the approximate original
matrix (well, one row) by multiplying the matrices back together and
looking for the largest elements. This is essentially multiplying a
user feature vector by the entire item-feature matrix to reconstruct
one approximate row of the input.

That's not necessarily so slow, but it's not the fastest thing. I want
to speed it up. It seems like there ought to be some shortcut, even if
it means a probabilistic approach that could get it slightly wrong at

I say so because most item feature vectors are nowhere near the user
feature vector in feature space. Their dot product is not going to be
the largest. In fact, given the user feature vector you can say
exactly where in feature space (which direction) you want to look for
the top items. For example, if the user feature vector is (2,1) you
are looking for item vector (x,y) that maximizes 2x+y and that is
largest in the direction of (2,1).

When feature space is 50+-dimensional though, I'm having a hard time
thinking of an efficient way to index those item feature vectors such
that one could quickly find a few buckets of items to check and with
high confidence have found the best recommendations. The bases I have
are not necessarily orthogonal let alone orthonormal either. I bet,
hope, someone will have an insight?

You could cluster the items with k-means, quickly, I suppose. I was
hoping for something less heavy.


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