How many data points are you clustering?  How many dimensions?

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Eduard Gamonal <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm doing a MSc at Northeastern and I'm working on analyzing some US
> election polls with kmeans.
> I'm a beginner with both Mahout and Hadoop. I've been reading the docs
> but I'd still appreciate some orientation on these questions:
> * I can transform my input data into vectors and run k-means using the
> command line [1]. I downloaded hadoop (1.0.4, working in a real
> cluster) and I wrote a program for it. Then I downloaded Mahout and I
> saw that there is a  jar file included (0.20, single node:
> M2_REPO/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-core/
> ). If I point HADOOP_HOME to my hadoop installation, will mahout use
> it? I set HADOOP_HOME in hadoop/conf/, though.
> * I might need to remove some columns of my data set. With Hadoop I
> could write a program to tokenize the input and create the data
> structures I needed, and then call kmeansdriver. I can use bash to
> remove the columns and mahout from command line. should I write a
> program instead?
> * How do I write a program for Mahout 0.7 (and Hadoop 1.x), from scratch?
> I need to transform the dataset: Vectors should be created only with
> the features I want k-means to consider to cluster my data. Then I can
> call kmeansdriver.  I think I can do both using the explanation of
> Should the main class extend any other?
> How do I deploy it in a cluster with hadoop?
> * it is my understanding that mahout is a framework. I read the code
> example in org.apache.mahout.clustering.syntheticcontrol.kmeans. It
> extends AbstractJob. I made a new project in Eclipse and copied the
> example. My goal was to run it. I tried "java -jar myjar.jar" and
> passing my new jar as a parameter to hadoop. What's the correct way of
> running a program for mahout?
> Thanks
> [1]

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