I'm trying to get familiar with the the parallel MapReduce Classification
algorithms offered in Mahout .  So far I've run through examples for Naïve
Bayes (classify-20newsgroups.sh) and Random Forest (
https://cwiki.apache.org/MAHOUT/partial-implementation.html).  Looking at
the algorithm list (https://cwiki.apache.org/MAHOUT/algorithms.html), it
seems like Online Passive Aggressive and Hidden Markov Models might be
ready to explore as well.  However, after some vigorous Googling, I can't
seem find any good examples.  Could you please point me to some?

Also, is there a parallel version of Logistic Regression officially in
Mahout?  If so, could you please recommend a good example?  I ask because I
came across this parallel Logistic Regression implementation which is
apparently based off of Mahout, though not in Mahout:

Also, are there any other parallel MapReduce Classification algorithms in
Mahout which I failed to mention worth checking out?


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