Yes, but the similarities are no longer weights, because there is
nothing to weight. They are used to compute a score directly, which is
not a weighted average but a function of the similarities themselves.

While it is true that more distant neighbors have less effect in
general, when the similarities *are* used as weights, it's not true
that a small bad contribution can't hurt. A small bad contribution can
still be bad.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Koobas <> wrote:
> A naive question:
> Boolean recommender means that we are ignoring ratings,
> but aren't recommendations still weighted by user-user similarities or
> item-item similarities?
> Which would also mean that increasing the neighborhood will not deteriorate
> the results,
> because bad contributions from farther neighbors are attenuated by their
> lower similarities.

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