For what it's worth, here's what I remember from my Numerical Analysis

The thing we were taught to use to figure out whether the matrix is ill
conditioned is the condition number of a matrix (k(A) = norm(A) *
norm(A^-1)). Here's a nice explanation of it [1].

Suppose you want to solve Ax = b. How much worse results will you get using
A if you're not really solving Ax = b but A(x + delta) = b + epsilon (x is
still a solution for Ax = b).
So, by perturbing the b vector by epsilon, how much worse is delta going to
be? There's a short proof [1, page 4] but the inequality you get is:

norm(delta) / norm(x) <= k(A) * norm(epsilon) / norm(b)

The rule of thumb is that if m = log10(k(A)), you lose m digits of
accuracy. So, equivalently, if m' = log2(k(A)) you lose m' bits of accuracy.
Since floats are 32bits, you can decide that say, at most 2 bits may be
lost, therefore any k(A) > 4 is not acceptable.

Anyway there are lots of possible norms and you need to look at ways of
actually interpreting the condition number but from what I learned this is
probably the thing you want to be looking at.

Good luck!


On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:

> I think that's what I'm saying, yes. Small rows X shouldn't become
> large rows of A -- and similarly small changes in X shouldn't mean
> large changes in A. Not quite the same thing but both are relevant. I
> see that this is just the ratio of largest and smallest singular
> values. Is there established procedure for evaluating the
> ill-conditioned-ness of matrices -- like a principled choice of
> threshold above which you say it's ill-conditioned, based on k, etc.?
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Koobas <> wrote:
> > So, the problem is that the kxk matrix is ill-conditioned, or is there
> more
> > to it?
> >

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