On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Dmitriy Lyubimov <dlie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No,this is not right.
> I will explain later when i have a moment.
> On Apr 12, 2013 8:08 AM, "Chirag Lakhani" <clakh...@zaloni.com> wrote:
>> I am having trouble understanding whether the following code is sufficient
>> for running PCA
>> I have a sequence file of dense vectors that I am calling and then I am
>> trying to run the following code
>> SSVDSolver pcaFactory = new SSVDSolver(conf, new Path(vectorsFolder), new
>> Path(pcaOutput),18,5,3,10);
>>         pcaFactory.setPcaMeanPath(pcaFactory.getPcaMeanPath());
> ssvd solver doesn't compute pca mean -- it requires it. this line
therefore achieves nothing

SSVDCli.java  computes PCA mean using DistributedRowMatrix and passes it
over to SSVD Solver. This behavior is switched on by -pca option. See the
SSVDCli code for details.


>>         pcaFactory.run();
>> Is this enough for PCA or does anyone have example code they are willing
>> to
>> share to see how PCA works using the SSVD solver.

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