Hi Grant,

Very good release announcement. I propose that we deprecate a lot more,
I think we should be aggressive here to pave the way for a clean and
slim 1.0 release.

I propose to additionally deprecate the following algorithms, as to my
state of knowledge, they are not actively used:

Collaborative Filtering:

- all recommenders in o.a.m.cf.taste.impl.recommender.knn

- the TreeClusteringRecommender in o.a.m.cf.taste.impl.recommender

- the SlopeOne implementations in o.a.m..cf.taste.hadoop.slopeone and

- the distributed pseudo recommender in o.a.m.cf.taste.hadoop.pseudo


- the Hidden Markov Models in o.a.m.classifier.sequencelearning.hmm


- Fuzzy k-Means o.a.m.clustering.fuzzykmeans
- Spectral k-Means in o.a.m.clustering.spectral


- the tooling in o.a.m.math.stats.entropy

Furthermore, I think we should deprecate the Lanczos implementation in
o.a.m.math.hadoop.decomposer and port all code that uses it to SSVD.

To all users and other committers, this is a biased first proposal,
please shout, if you see things different and want to have things kept.


On 08.06.2013 16:42, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
> More tests are always welcome.
> On Jun 8, 2013, at 10:29 AM, Ravi Mummulla <ravi.mummu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Grant,
>> Regarding 1.0 plans, do we also want to include a note on adding tests
>> where they don't exist or improving them where needed or is that implicit?
>> Thanks.
>> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 3:55 AM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Mahouts,
>>> A full copy of proposed draft release notes are up at
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAHOUT/Release+0.8.  Please
>>> add/edit as appropriate.
>>> PLANS__, which I have included below.  This is purely my own opinion, but I
>>> think it reflects conversations I've had w/ both Robin and Sebastian at
>>> Berlin Buzzwords.   I'm also interested in opinions on my proposed
>>> deprecation plan (which I haven't discussed with anyone) which is put forth
>>> in the 1.0 plans below.
>>> --------------------------  DRAFT -------------------------
>>> 0.9
>>> As the project moves towards a 1.0 release, the community is working to
>>> clean up and/or remove parts of the code base that are under-supported or
>>> that underperform as well as to better focus the energy and contributions
>>> on key algorithms that are proven to scale in production and have seen
>>> wide-spread adoption.  To this end, in the next release, the project is
>>> planning on removing support for the following algorithms unless there is
>>> sustained support and improvement of them before the next release.
>>> The algorithms to be removed are:
>>> - From Clustering:
>>>        Dirichlet
>>>        MeanShift
>>>        MinHash
>>> - From Classification (both are sequential implementations)
>>>        Winnow
>>>        Perceptron
>>> - Frequent Pattern Mining
>>> - Collaborative Filtering
>>>        GSI: DO ANY GO HERE?
>>> - Other
>>>        GSI: ANYTHING?
>>> If you are interested in supporting 1 or more of these algorithms, please
>>> make it known on d...@mahout.apache.org and via JIRA issues that fix
>>> and/or improve them.  Please also provide supporting evidence as to there
>>> effectiveness for you in production.
>>> 1.0 PLANS
>>> Our plans as a community are to focus 0.9 on cleanup of bugs and the
>>> removal of the code mentioned above and then to follow with a 1.0 release
>>> soon thereafter, at which point the community is committing to the support
>>> of the algorithms packaged in the 1.0 for at least two minor versions after
>>> their release.  In the case of removal, we will deprecate the functionality
>>> in the 1.(x+1) minor release and remove it in the 1.(x+2) release.  For
>>> instance, if feature X is to be removed after the 1.2 release, it will be
>>> deprecated in 1.3 and removed in 1.4.
>>> ------------------- DRAFT ----------------------
>>> -Grant
>> -- 
>> Thanks.
> --------------------------------------------
> Grant Ingersoll | @gsingers
> http://www.lucidworks.com

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