Congratulations Sean for the now job and finding the perfect partner

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Suneel Marthi <>wrote:

> Congrats Sean!!!
> ________________________________
>  From: Sean Owen <>
> To: Mahout User List <>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:39 PM
> Subject: Myrrix is now a part of Cloudera
> This may be relevant enough to announce here:
> (Brief recap: Myrrix is a product / project / tiny company related to
> large scale-recommenders, and shares some APIs and background with
> Mahout.)
> I think this indicates just how much interest there is, now more than
> ever, in learning at scale. FWIW I will be Director of Data Science at
> Cloudera and hope to be able to do more there to advance open-source
> big learning in general and along the way Mahout support in particular
> in CDH.
> Sean


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