My current advice is to use Hadoop (if necessary) to build a sparse
item-item matrix based on each kind of behavior you have and then drop
those similarities into a search engine to deliver the actual
recommendations.  This allows lots of flexibility in terms of which kinds
of inputs you use for the recommendation and lets you blend recommendations
with search and geo-location.

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Helder Martins <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a dev working for a web portal in Brazil and I'm particularly
> interested in building a item-based collaborative filtering recommender
> for our database of news articles.
> After some coding, I was able to get some recommendations using a
> GenericItemBasedRecommender, a CassandraDataModel and some custom
> classes that store item similarities and migrated item IDs into
> Cassandra. But know I'm in doubt of what is normally done with this
> recommender: Should I run this as a daemon, cache the recommendations
> into memory and set up a web service to consult it online? Should I pre
> process these recommendations for each recent user and store it
> somewhere? My first idea was storing all these recs back into Cassandra,
> but looking into some classes it seems to me that the norm is to read
> the input data and store the output always using files. Is this a common
> practice that benefits from HDFS?
> My use case here is something around 70k recommendations requests per
> second.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Atenciosamente
> Helder Martins
> Arquitetura do Portal e Sistemas de Backend
> +55 (51) 3284-4475
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