Got away with that stupid comment. All doc ids will be from B items even in the 
general case.

On Aug 2, 2013, at 2:39 PM, Pat Ferrel <> wrote:

Thanks, well put.

In order to have the ultimate impl with two id spaces for A and B would we have 
to create different docs for A'B and B'B? Since the docs IDs must come from A 
or B? The fields can contain different sets of IDs but the Doc ID must be one 
or the other, right? Doesn't this imply separate indexes for the separate A, B 
item IDs spaces? This is not a question for this first cut impl but is a 
generalization question.

On Aug 2, 2013, at 2:06 PM, Ted Dunning <> wrote:

So there is a lot of good discussion here and there were some key ideas.

The first idea is that the *input* to a recommender is on the right in the
matrix notation.  This refers inherently to the id's on the columns of the
recommender product (either B'B or B'A).  The columns are defined by the
right hand element of the product (either B or A in the B'B and B'A

The results are in the row space and are defined by the left hand operand
of the product.  IN the case of B'A and B'B, the left hand operand is B in
both cases so the row space is consistent.

In order to implement this in a search engine, we need documents that
correspond to rows of B'A or B'B.  These are the same as the columns of B.
The fields of the documents will necessarily include the following:

id: the column id from B corresponding to this item
description: presentation info ... yada yada
b-a-links: contents of this row of B'A expressed as id's from the column
space of A where this row                  of llr-filter(B'A) contains a
non-zero value.
b-b-links: contents of this row of B'B expressed as id's from the column
space of B ...

The following operations are now single queries:

get an item where id = x
     query is [id:x]

recommend based on behavior with regard to A items and actions h_a
     query is [b-a-links: h_a]

recommend based on behavior with regard to B items and actions h_b
     query is [b-b-links: h_b]

recommend based on a single item with id = x
      query is [b-b-links: x]

recommend based on composite behavior composed of h_a and h_b
      query is [b-a-links: h_a b-b-links: h_b]

Does this make sense by being more explicit?

Now, it is pretty clear that we could have an index of A objects as well
but the link fields would have to be a-a-links and a-b-links, of course.

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Pat Ferrel <> wrote:

> Assuming Ted needs to call it, not sure if an invite has gone out, I
> haven't seen one.
> On Aug 2, 2013, at 12:49 PM, B Lyon <> wrote:
> I am planning on sitting in as flaky connection allows.
> On Aug 2, 2013 3:21 PM, "Pat Ferrel" <> wrote:
>> We doing a hangout at 2 on the Solr recommender?

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