On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 7:36 AM, Pat Ferrel <p...@occamsmachete.com> wrote:

> Read the AGPL carefully before deciding. It is widely avoided by OSS
> projects. It’s interpreted to infect your derived works with obligations
> you may not want to live with. There is probably a question about whether
> they can even enforce it given they could be said to be derived from
> Mahout, which is an Apache 2 license.

Apache licenses are fine for inclusion in *GPL works.

It is the reverse that is problematic.  Apache licenses allow you to do
pretty much whatever you want except call your modified product by the name

Assuming that is solved It might be a good package for a PHP dev to start
> with.

And that would be a great thing.

Nothing says that the license on prediction.io needs to change.  AGPL may
be a good thing for it.  But it can't be part of Mahout and keep that
license.  Being part of Mahout and being Apache licensed is also a bad
thing if the developers of prediction.io are worried about somebody
stealing their work and making it closed source and not giving back.

This is a very important decision to make and it isn't just something to do
just for fashion or to be part of a group, especially if you are thinking
that you want to make a living with it.

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